Skylar&Kid/ Jordan&Soul

Are you mad and surprises?



After what happened a week ago, I don't want to tell kid anything. I'm worried he might get mad. 'DONT TELL HIM!!! HE WON'T LOVE YOU AFTER!!' I kept repeating in my head. after about 20 minutes of looking at myself in the mirror and telling me it doesn't matter anymore, I went to tell him.

As I walked to his mansion, I stopped. the reason is because, Patti was trying to talk to me.

Sky: Patti?!?! w-what are you doing here?

Patti: to tell you that kid wants to meet you at the school! I don't know what, might be something romantic? oh well go go GO!!!

She was practically shoving me and yelling 'GO GO GO!' I managed to get there, but I felt scared. 'He won't care. hell just want to use me again...' I thought over and over. I dropped to me knees and started to cry hard. My friends wouldn't care either! they don't like me! there only my friends because of my bff Jordan. 'DAMMIT!!' I want to tell him but I can't. in just to scared. I mean my last boyfriend did that and left slapping me.

I heard footsteps. I instantly jumped up and shouted 'WHO'S THERE?'

It was only Jordan. 'whew'

Jordan: Whoa what's wrong?!?! SKY?!?!

Sky: nothing...*sobs* I-I can't tell him Jordy.. what if he won't love me?

Jordan just stands there clueless. I wonder why?- oh yeah never mind.

Jordan: What do you mean 'you can't tell him'?

I Run to her ear and tell her everything that happened.

Jordan: Aww... Eww...Uhh... THATS SO SWEET!!! Sky!! tell him!!

Sky: he won't f*cking love me!

Jordan just sighs.

Jordan: promise you won't tell anyone?

Sky: s-sure?

Jordan: meandsoulaslohadsexandhekindadidthattomealso... dontworryplease... donttellanyone?

Sky: what?

Jordan: never mind I'll tell you after you tell kid! GO!!

I built up enough courage to tell him and I walked in to find him holding roses and had on a suit. with those bows. 'symmetry? that's mah boy.' I thought.

Sky: wow.. cheesy enough kiddo?

Kid: s-Skylar?

Sky: yes? wait.. before you make a big mistake...

Kid: I wouldn't make a mistake.. what do you mean?

Sky: never mind you go first...

Kid: Skylar Marie Mallark?

Sky: K-Kid?

He got down on one knee and and pulled out a little velvet box and asked,

Kid: would you make me the happiest man in the world and marry me?

I was shocked. no one had loved me this much. is this a joke? it must be. souls probably got cameras. kid would never go out in these clothes.

Kid: well?

Sky: what's that one word... I-it has a 'y' I think and an 'e' oh yeah... YES!!!

Kid: YES!!! SKY!! I LOVE YOU!!

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