The Myth of Cancers...

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The myth of Cancer is probably the shortest myth of all. It speaks about a family mess as a consequence of one of Zeus' infidelities that resulted in the birth of Heracles, one of the greatest Greek heroes. 

Hera, the wife of Zeus, hated Heracles out of jealousy and wanted him gone. While he was fighting the great Hydra, out of love for Hera, a crab sneaked in and pinched Heracles' foot. 

As a result, he smashed the crab with one step, and that is mostly the end of it.

There is mention of another way to interpret Cancer, through the role of the giant crab that Poseidon, the god of the sea, put in charge to keep his nymphs safe. 

He was mostly successful in his endeavors but got tricked by the "vampire squid" that he sent to save a couple of nymphs who got away. 

As a result of the fight with the squid, he was crippled and because of his immortality, in pain forever.

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