Chapter 2 - I win

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Authors Note: I made a reference to my favorite book of all time, Bubbly Tea Girl. It was that story that inspired me to write this one.

Chapter 2

Leslie woke up with a jolt. She heard a crunch of twigs from nearby and hissing of curses.

Someone’s here, Leslie thought.

No shit, Sherlock, she replied to herself.

Shaking her head to clear the thoughts, this is no time to have an internal battle she thought.

Quickly, Leslie blew out the lamp and checked her iPhone, it was only 6:23 in the morning.

“Leslie?” A voice called out. Leslie instantly recognizes it as Jace’s smooth melodic voice.

She was about to reply until her thoughts stopped her, NO! Don’t do it! Then he’ll find your hiding spot!

Leslie thought about it and retreated back into her small little den. She heard Jace curse.

“Shit. Where is she?”

Why would he be looking for me? She wondered.

So she waited until it sounded like he was leaving. Soon his footsteps could barely be heard, she let out a breath of relief.

Checking her phone again, it was 6:54. She should start heading back to the building and get ready for school.

She still had math homework to do.

She neatly folded up the blankets and tidied the cave before collecting her belongings and creeping out.

It was a cold smoggy morning, the dragon boats were already heading out into the sea and fishermen were already getting the nets ready.

Leslie walked along the edge of the path, a shortcut so she could get out quicker. The rocks crumbled beneath her booted foot and they trickled off the mountain and tumbled it into the sea with a small plop.

One hand holding what’s left of yesterday’s parcel and then other shoved in her jean pocket, Leslie finally made her way back to concrete ground.

Walking out to the road, she hailed and cab and went home. She nodded at Mr Sing and headed to the elevator.

After getting home, she checked her phone that it was 7:14 and that she had 20 minutes to get ready before she’d be late for the metro.

Reeking of smoke and other odd herbs she decided to quickly shower, wash her hair and brush her teeth, after that she blow-dried her hair. Adding a navy blue Alice band with a bow as an accessory, fixing her bow, she was ready. She stuffed all her schoolwork into her grey sling bag and shrugged on her blazer before she was out the door.

She ran past Mr Sing and out the building. Walking past a stall she got a small Styrofoam plate of plain steamed rice flour rolls (form of Chinese pancakes) and splashed it with some hot sauce and soy sauce. Hastily eating as she made her way through the bunch of people, she finished eating and threw it into a bin and walked jogged her way down the stairs to the underground subway.

Swiping her bag over the sensor and pushed herself through the spinny metal.

Running around people that were walking too slow, Leslie finally made it to the front of the metro and just as the people were getting in. There must’ve been hundreds and suddenly Leslie panicked, thinking she’d have to wait for the next one so she squished herself through until she made it on the subway.

People behind her were either annoyed, angry or already screaming at her for being ungrateful and not waiting behind the cue like everyone else did.

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