Chapter 14 - Unpleasant Visit

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I dragged my feet on the floor when I got home.

For the rest of the day, I couldn't focus on school. The only thing I got out of the last three hours of class was what the homework was. I was zoning out the entire time, thinking about Sebb's two offers. One to help me, and a the other I wasn't so sure what it was. I think he was asking for me to go out with me, but I'm not sure. I mean, I understand he said that he liked me for a long time now, but I don't believe he actually wants to go out with.

That's just silly.

Or was it?

I lay on my couch, for what seemed to be hours, just pondering if it was a good idea to take up Sebb's offer. Both of them. I know I definitely want to give the first offer a chance and see what it would be like. The latter offer...

I don't know. I guess you could say I'm scared, afraid of what might happen. But life is about taking chances, right? I asked myself over and over as I just lay on the couch, laying and dead still with my eyes closed, my one arm resting over my eyes.

I pulled myself off the couch and went to the kitchen to fetch myself a drink. Opening the cupboards, I grabbed the first bottle my hands landed on. I pulled it out to see a clear bottle of Smirnoff. I smiled to myself as I grabbed a whiskey glass with me and headed for my bedroom.

I pulled out a white long sleeve top, black leggings track suit pants and a grey oversized cardigan. The school uniform was getting uncomfortable and uniforms seemed to be what I'm always dressed in these days, drunk or not.

I took a shower to relieve myself from all the thoughts from today. As I was washing my hair, my thoughts went to dating Sebb. Did I even know how to date anymore? What does one do again? It occurred to me that I had forgotten almost completely what to do as someone's girlfriend. Another reason I should recover, learn basic socializing skills.

I started on my homework, intending to finish all the work I had missed throughout the weeks and the newly assigned homework. I sat down on the table and set the bottle on the table beside me, taking a sip now and again from the glass I poured myself.

I don't know how long had passed but when I was finished with the homework, I've already had four full glasses of Smirnoff. Everything was beginning to get slightly blurry and I felt a little dizzy. I walked around the table with the bottle in hand to the ladder that led up to the bunk bed and mustered up all the energy I could, pulled myself to the bed and crawled to the middle.

The whole world was a blur, my thoughts were unintelligible even to myself. It felt so at peace, like every time I get intoxicated with alcohol. I smiled and giggled at absolutely everything and nothing.

I took a few more swigs from the bottle before knocking out in a dreamless sleep.


Waking up to hammering headache is not the best feeing in the world. Honestly... Anything would've been better. Especially death. Well right at that moment death sounded like paradise because a loud rapping came from my front door.

Geez... Never heard of a doorbell?

But then I realized something which made my face grave.

Only one person ever had the nerve to rap like that on my door.

One the I especially despised. He was next to Tyler on my list.

I swung the door open, fully aware that I wore a pungent odor of alcohol and my hair was sticking in every direction. I honestly don't care how Father sees me. I mean, he doesn't give half as much of a shred of care for me, why the hell should I care if I look shit for him or not? After I turned seven, I realized no matter how many full marks from my classes and how many times I'm voted class captain or how many pretty dresses of delightful pinks, purples and other pastel girly shades, that father would never glance at me once and give that fatherly love and care that I had always longed for.

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