Eyes For No One

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  (A/n btw I don't own this picture- credit goes to stargirl0708 on whatever website she was on)

   So you think you're popular? Or are you not? Kris is most definitely in the popular category. He's actually higher than that. His life seems perfect. Perfect grades, perfect social status, perfect girlfriend...wait. That can't be right, Kris hasn't found anyone he likes. No matter how hard he tries.No one has caught his eye. Sure, he was friends with two girls, but they were just friends.

  Kris had every opportunity to date even the hottest girls in school, but he turned them all down. He had lost count of how many people had confessed about a year ago. He was just waiting for the right girl to come along. Oh boy...

  Kris heard rumors about how a new guy was going to be here tomorrow, and guess what. He ignored them. It was just another guy, he mustn't let them hinder his studies. He must get all A+'s. Sure, some might think that way of thinking was bad for you, but for Kris, that's how he was raised. I mean, his parents wanted him to get good grades, but those standards were set by, your one and only, Kris. 

  Kris was not one to focus on others, unless they caught his eye, but no one did. "Hey Kris, you okay? I've been calling your name for about 5 minutes." The voice of his friend, Joseph, brought him out of his thoughts. Kris nodded, knowing that not doing so would result getting playfully slapped. Joseph wasn't one that was on Kris' status, but Kris didn't care about that, which is one of the reasons that he became popular, two others being that he was good-looking and very kind. "Did you hear about the new student? Kris? Kris?" Two snaps pulled Kris out of his thoughts, again. A laugh went through the air, and Kris cracked a smile. And a genuine one at that, which didn't happen often. Although small, it made everyone that was around him smile as well. It was just contagious, simple as that. Joseph smiled back and was suddenly pulled back by another friend of theirs, Hillel. While Joseph wasn't that low on the social ladder, Hillel was a tad higher. Everyone liked Hillel simply by the fact that he was a goth. His green hair was against the school rules, but Hillel didn't care, he just redyed it every time his parents changed it to a natural color. Hillel and Joseph were completely different, but that's what made them friends. You know what they say, 'Opposites attract'. Joseph was the happy-go-lucky type, while Hillel was the type to hide himself in the corner of the classroom and use his hair to shade his face. 

  "Kris? Third time today. Don't tell me... You're excited for the new student to come!" He squealed the last part, making Kris cover his ears. Hillel cracked a rare smile, and it disappeared as soon as it came. It was rarer that Kris' smile. Kris was about to smile a fake smile back, when he caught sight of a ponytail bobbing in the distance, no, it's not a girl he likes, but rather one of the two girls he can hang out with, Julie. She smiled, and said, "What's kicking little chicken?" Yep, she was a weird one, but she was a friend Kris wouldn't trade for the world, as were Hillel, Joseph, and Katina, who was right next to the joke-cracking girl. She just smile and shook her head. All his friends wanted him to find his true love, so basically they wanted him to be happy. Sure he was happy, but they felt he could be happier. 

  "Kris, what do you call someone who needs a love? Hello? Kris?" She looked around the group and everyone shrugged, so she slapped him, not hard, but hard enough to get him out of his thoughts. "Dude I asked you what do you call someone who needs a love, and you always answer that, what's up man?" Julie scanned Kris' face nervously. He never didn't answer that question. The answer was always the same, 'Someone name Kris'. Kris just shook his head and mouthed 'I'll tell you later'. Julie gave a slight nod of her head and and bell resounded in the air, it was time for school to begin. This is where they split. Julie and Katina had math, Hillel and Joseph had science, and Kris had Spanish.

~Time skip to after school (btw Kris, Katina, Julie, and Hillel are in band, so they, Kris and the girls, meet in a practice room)~

  Kris, Katina, Julie, and Hillel go together after school and went into one of the "soundproof" practice rooms. (Sorry Joseph) Kris took a deep breath and faced the three teens looking at him with anticipation. He slouched in a chair, and starting sobbing. This, having surprised the three, made them just watch as their friend, normally the strong one who was the one that they cried all their problems to, cry his heart out. He was crying about the fact that he never found true love, or even someone to love at the moment. Once he was done, he wiped his eyes and looked up. His eyes shot open. He had forgotten that they were there, and he had cried. Kris was worried that they would no longer be his friends, now that he had cried. They all looked at him with shock in their eyes. They must hate him now. The only thing that ran through his mind was that might have just lost 3 of his best friends, because he was careless enough to cry in front of them. At least he would have Joseph, but he wouldn't have the one that he felt like was almost his mom, or the one who he had helped bring out of his shell (so much, that Kris felt like a parent to Hillel), or even the one that cracked jokes in an attempt to make him smile. He was going to miss him. Kris was wallowing in self pity when he felt three pairs of arms wrap themselves around him. He looked down to see his friends smiling up to him, the biggest being Julie's, the smallest being Hillel's, but they were still smiles no less. For the first time Kris was happier than he has ever been. He felt like he had gotten 100 on at least twenty tests. That's how happy he was. Too bad Joseph wasn't here to enjoy this moment as well. What a shame. 

  He may have had a big scare, but let me assure you of one thing, he no longer felt bad that he didn't have his 'true love'. He was extremely happy with his 4 amazing friends. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 08, 2017 ⏰

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