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As the almost sweet copper smell seeped into my airways, I took a step back and stared at my work. The body was mutilated just right, the blood words in perfect size and overall the staging was something to put a movie to shame. My phone buzzed on the table across the room, strolling over I checked the notification. It's only Audrey, my thoughts calm me down.

A: Hey you still up for the party at Brookes'?

Happily typing that I am still turning up, I chucked my phone back down onto the table; instantly returning my attention to my current task at hand. I skipped slightly to the wall which held a bounty full of different sharp instruments, thinking lightly as I decided which one to use. Skimming my hand over a collection of large hunting knives I landed on a broad edge and continued to carve at the dead body. Checking the clock on the wall closest to the wall I see that if I don't get ready now I wouldn't make it at all, though I could consider being fashionably late but I couldn't disappoint Audrey. Walking over to a make shift sink, I wash off my hands, watching the now reddish water slowly fill the basin. I spray a little bit of air freshener and some disinfectant in case anyone becomes suspicious of my activities.

Being sure to lock the door after I walk out I made my way upstairs to change; fighting my way to choose the perfect outfit. Pulling out a pair of black jeans and a tanned crop, I finish it off with a camo bomber jacket. I put on simple make up and my half laced up Docs, pulling my hair into a high ponytail; nodding that this is the perfect outfit.After spending a few minutes, I realised I had left my phone downstairs in the room, I checked my alarm clock and saw that she would be here any minute to pick me up. Rushing to the room and hurriedly opening the locks, I treaded over the body and retrieved the phone; a sudden ringing noise filled my apartment. I patted myself down and opened the door to a very breathtaking sight.

"Hey Jensen, ready to go?" I ask her, pulling the door closer to me.

"Yeah completely, are you okay though? You seem to be hugging the door awfully tight," She questions, slight concern coated her voice.

"Yes, I'm fine, just ready to get super drunk," I nervously chuckled hoping it would through her off my case, but knowing Audrey it wouldn't work completely.

"Okay well let's go then huh?" She smiled at me.

"Yeah lets'." I return the smile back.

Already the drive was slightly awkward, almost as though she wanted to ask me a question but didn't know how. The air conditioner was on and the radio only just audible, her arms relaxed on the steering wheel and her facial expression blank. I watched the cars go past and the trees and homes beyond them, picking at my own mind for something to say. Her phone buzzed as we pulled onto a new road, her muffled talking lead me to the obvious intruder to Noah himself. But I let her finish until we've reached the destinations street.

"What did Robin want?" I said, preying on their friendship to make a joke.

"Nothing really, wondering when we were getting there," She replied, not taking her eyes off the road.

"Seems legit." I muttered under my breath.

I hear a small huff escape her lips as I turn away from her, ready to exit the vehicle. Music was already blasting and people heavily intoxicated, my guess was she has the hard stuff out tonight; wouldn't blame her. As we walked up to the front door, she was quick to greet us, people staring as we entered; mainly focusing their eye sight on me. It was strange for them to have a friend that wasn't in their clique, I haven't been attacked by the killer or targeted at any point at all. But the thing is, is that I treat them like humans, normal people, not some kind of trophy or display item; I was civil towards them and now I have their respect and trust. All except for Audrey's, her trust I mean, it would be hard to trust someone outside of their group after she was practically betrayed by Piper Shaw (the first Lakewood slasher).

"You definitely clean up nice," Stavo stated, blank face as always.

"Cheers dude," I say, trying to be enthusiastic.

"Drinks for us are here on this table, you are free to do whatever if it is legal." Brooke instructs.

I take a seat on the sun bed next to a happy Emma and Kiren. I look around the already drunk people invading the yard, drunken make outs every now and then, a few vomiting in the bushes by the fence. I grab a beer bottle and take a swig, clenching my jaw as the clearly mixed liquid burns my throat ever so slightly. I feel a sense of watchfulness as Audrey sits in front of me on the other couch, the cogs behind her eyes are prying at my brain trying to figure out my thoughts; Noah bumps her arm and snaps her out, engaging in a discussion about one of the movies playing at the theatre. I sit there almost awkwardly until an auburn-haired girl catches my eye, her pale brown orbs cutting their attention off me. Not hesitating I get up and pace over to her fragile frame lent up against a pillar.

"You're that Layla chick, right?" She slurs, clearly on her way to utter intoxication.

"Yes, and you're that Bria girl right?" I shoot back, ready for what ever drunken sentence comes next.

"Well I'd love to talk in private but I don't think your guard dog would like that," She giggles, pointing to the tense body of the raven-haired girl.

"She's not my guard dog, I'm my own person. What did you want to talk about?" I defend myself, slightly angered by Audrey's obvious protectiveness.

"It doesn't matter now, you guys are cute anyways," She sighs, clearly upset by Audrey as well.

"Look she doesn't matter right now, just say what you want," I demand, growing agitated at her.

"Nah, you guys need to sort yourselves out. Bye." She stated and walked away, swinging her hips ever so lightly.

Rolling my eyes and thinking of ways not to punch her in the mouth I headed down toward Wren Lake. As I walk past I hear a worried Emma as she begs her not to follow me, then the clunkiness of her walk-in pursuit behind me. As I approached the bank she appears beside me, looking out towards the water; clearly thinking of things to say. The cool air clung to my face and neck, sending a small shiver down my spine. The paled eyed girl turned to me slightly in an almost reacting to my action. The faint sound of frogs and crickets fought against the loud bass of the party music, sending a throbbing sensation around my body.

"What did she talk to you about?" She investigated.

"Just about me being friends with you guys," I lied, I hate lying to her but I really don't have a choice in this situation.

"You're lying, just like you were when I picked you up earlier," She huffed, facing me completely now, sourness etched into her face.

"Look I get that you had trust broken and shit but I'm not and wouldn't lie to you Audrey and you know that so just drop it okay? You are seriously acting like a jealous bitch right now," I snap at her, taking a step away from her.

"Really? You can't be using that as an advantage," She barks back at me, more annoyed.

"It's not an advantage, it the god forsaken truth, so if you can't handle it then leave me the hell alone," I raise my voice, getting angrier at her by the minute.

"What are you hiding from me Layla? What is important to you that we have to fight?" She begs, her eyes full of hope and curiosity.

"Nothing Audrey. Absolutely nothing." I whisper, lying to her once again to cover up something that I can't stop or help.

It's in my blood and there's not a thing I can do about it.

The Fox and The Hound || Audrey Jensen auWhere stories live. Discover now