Part Three

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I walked down the school hallway past the infamous cliché groups and scanned for the raven hair that I seemed to miss throughout the weekend. Noah bugging me through texts and that weird house visit shook my feelings into realisation of what was really going on. Did he suspect that the killer had texted me too? Does Audrey need to know? My head ached at the thought of even deciding to tell her, those pale eyes fading into sorrow and vengeance. The structure that is Stavo stood out against the wave and I could get over the group; feelings of tension and wariness was filing through the air around me. As I approached I noticed Audrey wasn't standing there, but neither was Emma; annoyance covering my soul. It wasn't that unusual that they were together but in this situation, I couldn't bear the thought of it. I guess it was just the overthinking taking hold again, something that always happens when the only thing I want to do is confront Audrey about everything. Was Noah, right?

The bell ringed through the halls, starting the day for all the possibly depressed and lonely students. I guess my first class shouldn't be too bad if Audrey and Emma aren't there to almost mock me without knowing what was processing. Halls became silent and eerie, doors closed as people settled into the desks and their groups. Kieran was in his usual place at the back and Brooke was already sending silent messages to Mr Branson but I was stuck in the same place, behind the genius and the two empty desks on either side of me, flushed mixes of emotion swept the room. I drown out the same text and content, wanting Noah to do an infamous monologue to end my internal suffering.

"Layla, what are your thoughts on the book?" Seth's voice targeted my person, piercing the bubble that was my mind.

"It has words?" I rush, wanting to get this over, I wanted this moment to be interrupted.

Low and behold my luck, the two-last people I wanted to see, barged through the door. Both with looks of sincerity and embarrassment written over their faces. I guess this is what I get for wanting to avoid her, to exclude her. Not that I want to but because I must. Those words, written by the hands of a murderer, scream and tear at my mind, destroying everything in its path.

"Girls, I hope you have a reasonable explanation for your lateness?" He calls directing a stern voice towards them.

"Just got caught up is all," Emma spills, trying to lessen any suspicions someone could possibly have.

"There's only a few minutes left so just sit and listen." He orders, the girls then take their seats and ask around for earlier notes.

Noah finally engages in a short speech, stating his usual theories about the classic horror movies. My mind clawed with questions for that stupid head of hers; aching every part of my body, filling the air around me with pain and regret. A sharp tap on my shoulder jolted my body and I looked over to an Audrey, leaning to hand me a note and an urge to roll my eyes rattled me.

Meet me at the bench closest to the field?

I make a short reply, Sure but only for a few minutes.

Something tugged at my sense of normalness and begged me not to go but that raven-haired girl made my heart break and I couldn't resist the want for her. The bell pranged the class and people rushed outside, racing each other to hang out or make out. Her small stature lead me out of the building, the needing for the note telling me to meet her really didn't make any sense. I stopped dead in my tracks, Audrey walked around, facing me with only a foot between us.

"So, what do you want?" I huff, wanting to hurry everything up.

"Well for one you've been ignoring me and not answering my texts or calls. Two you have been become so distant it's like the continental drift all over again and it sucks because I wanted to be really good friends with you," she blurts, confining all her emotions into what she said.

"A-Audrey I really don't want to talk about this now," I mutter, pushing her efforts further and further away from me.

"Layla, we have to talk about this, what has happened that could possibly put you off from talking about anything like this?" She hissed, digging her invisible claws into my brain.

"I just need space okay?" I state, backing away but in one swift movement her hand was wrapped around my wrist.

"Why don't you trust me? I want to work this out but you just keep pushing away and the situation is driving me crazy," She gulps, eyes watering even at the thought of losing this friendship.

"Please," I croak the tears threating to fall down my hot cheeks. "Please don't do this to me now Audrey."

And that's when I turned away and left her. Standing next to the bench under an old birch tree, the tension now cold and stale; both of us shutting off. I could feel her watery stare poke the back off my head as I neared my car. Tears were slowly making their way down and my whole body trembled with sadness.I opened the door and started the engine, letting the roar flow through myself and throwing any regretful thought out of my head. A sad pop song rose through the radio and in my current situation it felt like fate was mocking me.

I was around half way home when my ringtone filled the frame. The one name I didn't want to see displayed rocked my vision. I wanted to let it ring but I know that would only get someone killed and I had the rising suspicion that it would be Audrey first. With that sick sense of humour the killer seems to possess always plays out as the one you love to be the first to die.

"What do you want now?" I growl, focusing my built-up anger on the anonymous caller.

"The talk with Audrey sounded rough, is there trouble in paradise for the love birds?" The animated voice chuckles, mimicking my dismay.

"And? Just a bump in the road nothing I can't fix," I assure, mainly to myself, I sounded weak and pathetic.

"But what if that bump suddenly turned into the size of a body? I mean only if you were caught with it right? A sneaky body drop from that dear father?" It mocks my fears, bouncing taunting wording into my ear.

"You wouldn't," I whisper.

"Oh, but I would, if I had to. Make sure you're protected because I will strike whenever wherever." Then the line was dead.

Wolves I can handle but a weasel, that's a whole other stump.

The Fox and The Hound || Audrey Jensen auWhere stories live. Discover now