Chapter 2. Plotting

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"I fell, but no one was there to catch me."

Eve was there by my side as I whimpered, cried and muttered horrible things about Jason. She didn't object with anything I said - which made me greatful. I felt like my whole soul had been shattered. 

I was made to feel special . . . but it was all a joke. It was a big sham. A big fat lie. It was upsetting. I knew I wasn't good enough from the start, but now it just feels ten times worse. I've never felt more broken in my entire life. I've never felt more pathetic; more angry.

I was curled up on Eve's bed as she was laid next to me, repeatedly clicking on the TV remote's tiny buttons. It's been hours since Jason broke up with me. Eve hasn't once left my side, and my parents are still at work.

"How about . . . Say Yes to the Dress?" She offered. I gagged, although my throat was scratchy from the raw sobs that left my body.

"Ok, guess not. Spongebob?" She asked. I gave a thumbs up and rolled over to face the wall.

"You know, I'm sorry this had to happen to you. If I were you . .  and this is just an idea . . . I'd let me go to your school, kick his sorry ass, and shove a cactus up his butt." My sister said as she plopped down on the bed with her stomach hitting first.

I said nothing.

"I could chop off his mike n ike for a penis?" She offered. I still didn't move.

"I could wring his neck with a sausage??" She once again suggested. I didn't have it in me to say anything back. 

"Ok, how about this one? Get ready sis, this is gonna be a good one. I'll make him totes my goats fall in love with this little puppy that I'll send to his house, then when he gets super attached . . . BAM!!! I'll sneak into his house, take the puppy, and it'll live with us." She said with a small chuckle.

It then hit me like a bus filled with fat gym teachers.

"You're right." I whispered as I sat up.

"Um . . . I know it was a great idea, but I don't have enough money for a dog." Eve said with a frown as she got into sitting position with me.

"Not that!" I hissed. "I'm going to get revenge. I'm going to make him regret dumping me in front his friends, in front of Jackie, and for breaking my heart. He's going to wish he had stayed with me. I'm going to make him want me so bad. Then, when I act the slightest interested - BAM!!! I'll turn my back on him, walk away and then he'll feel the way I did!!" I said as I imagined all sorts of scenarios going through my head.

Eve's eyes widened.

"Don't get me wrong, this is a lovely plan and all. But are you sure you want to do this? You never know what will come out of this. The outcome might be different than you were expecting." She warned with caution. I rolled my eyes.

"I've never been more sure in my whole life. He treated me like dirt. Used me like a cleaning rag. Got me in his bed, then dumped me. He was that guy that all dad's warned their daughters about. I fell for it. But now he's going to have another thing coming." I said with a sickening smile.

"But, how are you even going to do that?" She asked. I gulped. "Eh, good question. I'm going to need some definite help that's for sure." I said, barely glancing at her. Her brown eyes widened in shock, and soon an evil smirk took place.

"I could totally help! But if this comes back to bite you in the ass, I already warned you so you can't blame me. Capiche?" She asked with her eyes narrowing in on me. I chuckled.

"Deal." I told her.

Later that day, Eve took me shopping at the nearest mall. I hate shopping. I swear, if someone wants to lose weight and be healthy, then go shopping with my sister.

My feet are aching, my hair is a mess because of trying on stupid shirts, my stomach won't stop howling for food, and I fell asleep on the escalator, and ended up tripping, and running into an old lady! She yelled at me and then Eve called her a nasty hag! 

"Let's get some food." Eve offered.

"YES!" I screamed and practically sprinted all the way over to the food court.


"Are you sure about this? Cuz, once you do this, there is no taking it back." Eve said as we pulled into the school parking lot. I gulped.

My hair was put into loose curls, and I wore gold eyeshadow. I had skinny jeans on, which were so uncomfortable, along with some black boots with a high heel. I had a long black t-shirt on that had angel wings rine stoned on the back.

"I have to." I muttered, although I was secretly dreading today.

"Good luck. Keep me posted." Eve said as she gave me a comforting smile. I nodded, grabbed my new purple purse and opened the door. I was pratically shaking in fear. What if I really couldn't pull this off.

I turned around to see Eve's white car drive off.

"WAIT! EVE! I CHANGE MY-" I stumbeled on these horrid black booted heels as I tried to take a step towards her leaving car.

I groaned as I regained balance.

From behind, a heard a faint whistling noise. I turned my back to see where the noise emitted from. My eyes widened when I noticed a bunch of guys that were in my 2nd period, and were . . . wolf howling at me.

ME?! The nerd girl that was just dumped by . . . he who must not be named!! I had to put on my brave face. It was now, or never.


I closed my eyes, and pretended to be someone I admired most. Princess Laya!! If she were in my position, she would walk around like the boss that she is. I opened my eyes as a new confidence took over. I could do this.

I put a smirk on my face as I winked on one of the boys, and his jaw dropped. Inside, I felt a gush of pride. I couldn't believe I was able to do that. Is this what it felt like to be on top? Is this what popular people felt like?  Ok, I was already doing pretty good. I just had to continue this until my plot was in full action and BLAM! Jason falls on his ass.

I started to walk on, although I was terrified of falling on my face due to these ridiculous shoes.

I knew I was being stared at. I could feel it. It was numbing. I saw girls give me either glares, or look at me in envy. I had never felt this before. It felt amazing.

Now, I couldn't wait till lunch.

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