Final Chapter

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It was rainy day in the Konoha. The winds were of a cold December. Today was the day the soldiers returned from the war that was won. Konoha was now feared by the neighboring nations. To end a war in a matter of weeks was a feat. Toneri Otsutsuki, first in battle was given the credit for the war with very little amount of casualties.

Many citizens awaited at the big gates of Konoha ready to welcomed their loved ones home. Hinata was one of them along with Sakura and Tenten. There was no word, no report about Naruto. She prayed every night for him to come back. So she waited with her friends. She knew Sara was also amongst the crowd. But she wanted to be alone for this moment.

Soon the cheers erupted from the crowd as the first man entered. There rode Toneri on his armor played horse waving at the cheering crowds. Then the soldiers arrived hugging their loved ones with tears. Shaking in their armor as they hugged their wives and mothers.

What seemed like hours, more soldiers still arrived until the gates were finally ready to close. Fear gripped the young Hyuga's heart. He didn't come back. She walked away despite her friends hopeful protests but she didn't budge. She would go home and never walk out.

That night a monument was built in the grave. A small stone that held the names of the enemies who have fallen. A rock that would be buried along with the name Thieves Landing. No one payed their respects and let alone spewed a single name from it.

Hinata came into view of the cemetery along with a quiet Sakura and Tenten. And so, Hinata searched the rock softly tracing over the forgotten names and praying for their peace. She searched for his name tracing over any letter that would resemble him until she finally found it.


She planted a soft kiss to the name as she began to cry. Tenten and Sakura quickly rushed to her side taking in the name she covered. She let her hand go from the name and the girls felt their breaths hitch in their throats. They shared a moment of tears as they traced over his name.

"I-I'm going to make him a grave, It will be Naruto Uzumaki" Hinata paused controlling her sobbing eratical breaths "He won't be remembered as A-Akuma"

"Damn right!" agreed Tenten wiping the tears away from her eyes.


There was a funeral held for Naruto Uzumaki. Despite her father's protests, she remained strong. Hinata even threaten to leave the clan if she wasn't allowed. And so, they sat there.

Hinata, Tenten, Sakura, Sara, Kiba, Shino, Shikamaru, Choji, Neji, and Kushina. Each paid their respects on the empty grave. It was made of high class wood with golden frames on the edges. There was no picture. Because there wasn't any. So they used the Uzumaki clan Symbol along with his full name.

They each gave their short speech as they didn't know Naruto for to long. But they gave words of respect and safety for his next adventure.

It was finally the indigo haired beauties turn. She walked the pavement with her umbrella in hand feeling the hard rain tap her with every step. She made it to the casket and softly laid her hand on top of his written name. She closed her eyes and silently prayed and turned to look at the rest. Right before she began to speak a person arrived. Minato Namikaze.

She could see him now and so she begun.

"Naruto Uzumaki, a man I knew since he was a little boy..." she smiled remembering his ever so beautiful whiskered face "...He would make me smile and for the first time in my life, I felt a surreal amount of happiness. Just seeing him around made me want to keep smiling. I knew his struggle and to a certain extent, I felt his pain. However when I met him again...He saved me... I was taken away, escaped in the rain and cried hoping anyone to save me...and he did. A blue eyed blond man saved me, took care of me and promised me that, he would take me back" Hinata was now in tears gripping her umbrella ever so softly. Her brows furrowed and sobs escaped her lips.

Minato could only stare in awe at the words that this girl spoke. He glanced over at his wife and saw the look of a proud mother, she smiled wiping her tears occasionally.

"I want to say I knew Naruto, b-but I can't...but I-I know he had a big heart, he never admitted it out loud. But he would always care for all of us deeply and Sara" It was Sara's turn to hang her head in guilt. She cried softly in her palms at hearing such words. She truly missed her brother.

"I will forever love Naruto" the heiress finished stunning the Minato and Sara. I will change Konoha, Naruto I swear I will, Hinata mentally hardened herself as the speeches were finally concluded. The priest said his final words before signaling the burial. The casket slowly descended into the ground in silence, many stood up and parted ways leaving Hinata, Sara, Kushina and Minato.

They stood side by side in silence as the last remnants of dirt covered the hole that was his grave.

Here lies Naruto Uzumaki, You will not be forgotten.

Hinata silently bowed to the family as they bowed back. She held her head high, she would do everything in his name. She would make sure no person would ever go through what he did.


The weeks rolled in until the day she feared the most arrived. She woke up nauseous rushing to the bathroom emptying her contents.

"Hinata-sama! Are you okay?!" said the panicked waitress softly rubbing her back.

"Y-Yes..." Hinata hopelessly lied making the waitress frown. Recently she would feel this urge. Did the idea of marrying Toneri really make her throw up? She was convinced it was.

"What's happening!" said a booming voice down the hallways of the Hyuga estate.

"She's throwing up Hiashi-sama!"

"Take her to the infirmary, this matrimony has to happen!"

"Let's go lady Hinata..." whispered another waitress helping her stand, she mouthed a soft thank you and proceed out of her room without a single word of acknowledgement of her father.


She couldn't believe what she has heard, her heart raced and tears of joy fell down her eyes. For the first time in these weeks of agony she had something to look forward to. She held her flat stomach productively and smiled giggling to herself.

"You are pregnant Hinata-sama! I'm so happy for you!" said a elder woman in blonde pigtails "Toneri-sama would be very happy, should I relay the news to him"

"He isn't the father" Hinata smiled confidently, she stood up walking away. She truly had a purpose now and for the first time, she had good hope for the future ahead of her.


"...I regret many thing sensei, I couldn't do it all in the end." Naruto sadly spoke looking into the flames that dimmed slowly.

"Well... there's no use for us worrying anymore, shall we go?"


Jiraiya stood from his seat smiling at the blond, Naruto smiled back and stood up, the tunnel at the end lit up as he saw his sensei ascend.

"Let's go"

Naruto took his final steps forward reaching the light until he saw his body light up.

"What's happening to me?!" Naruto shouted looking through his hands glowing.

"Looks like it was too early for you after all" his sensei chuckled, "Goodbye Naruto..."

"No wait!"





Cerulean orbs lit up in the darkness.

"I'm still alive...Tsch!"

Toneri...I'm coming for you...



This is the last chapter of her nameless thief. Thank you all for the likes and comments, it was real fun writing this. This idea came to me years ago but i just didn't have the guts to post it. Thank you so much again. Ill think about the sequel. See you all and give me your opinion! 

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