Chapter 1 Jessie POV - Alone

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In a poor winter village live in a small house a 10 year old girl named Jessica with her mother Miyamoto who was from Team Rocket one day Miyamoto received a phone call :

-Hello ? - said Miyamoto on the phone

- Hello this is the Madame Boss I have an important mission for you - said Madame Boss

- Oh Hi Madame really what is it ? - asked Miyamoto 

- It's about mew that Pokémon can not escape us we have to capture him and since you are one of my favorite agents I can give you this important mission - said Madame Boss

- I can't I'm sorry Madame I have to take care my daugher and that mission is really dangerous - said Miyamoto 

- Oh please don't tell me you're scared and your daughter is already 10 years old , she can take care of herself -  said Madame laughing

- I can't - said Miyamoto

- LISTEN miss Miyamoto if you don't do this you're going to be kicked out of Team Rocket and you're going to be without the little money you have and I think you don't  want your daughter to grow on misery right ? - threatened Madame Boss

- No miss - said Miyamoto sad

- Good come get your things and get ready for the mission - said Madame turning off the phone

Miyamoto then went to tell her daughter Jessica :

- Hey honey I have to go for a mission but I did your favourite food - said Miyamoto smiling

- Really ?! - said Jessie happy

- Yes honey , it's on the table - said Miyamoto 

- But mom you have to go now ? - question Jessie sad

- Yes honey but I will come back and then I make more of this food if you want - promesed Miyamoto 

- You promess ? - Jessica asked huging Miyamoto 

- I promess -  said Miyamoto sadly

Then Miyamoto said goodbye to Jessica and went to do the mission but before going Miyamoto asked Madame Boss that if she dies she wants her to take care of Jessica.  The worst thing was that when Miyamoto was on the mission an avalanche happened and she was overwhelmed by it Team Rocket was quickly dumped on this and Madame Boss made the promise warned Jessica then one day Madame Boss and their securities knocked on Jessica door and Jessica open the door :

- Hello can I help her ? - asked Jessica

- Are you Miyamoto daughter ? - question Madame Boss

- A... Yes - answer Jessica

- Good can I? - question Madame

- Ah yes of course - said Jessica , letting Madame Boss in 

- Well I have bad news for you little girl - said Madame Boss sitting on the chair

- Really what is it ? - asked Jessica

- I'm sorry but..... your mom died in a avalanche I'm sorry - said Madame Boss

- No that's not possible -  Jessica said crying

- Yes unfortunately it is possible and as I promised to your mother I will take you to a school so they can take care of you - said Madame Boss

- No!!! I can take care of myself - shouted Jessica

- AH AH AH  just like your mother stubborn ,  securites !!- called Madame Boss

- Yes Madame ? -one of the securites 

- Please take this girl to the combined school - ordered Madame Boss

- No!!!! leave me alone !!!- Jessica shouted but it was not worth it because they took her 

- No!!!! leave me alone !!!- Jessica shouted but it was not worth it because they took her 

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