Chapter 15 Jessie POV - Pokémon Shipwreck

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Then while Jessie and James were sleeping they dreamed that they were both on the beach sunbathing :

- To protect the world from devastation - said Jessie sunbathing

- To unite all peoples within our nation - said James sunbathing

- To denouce the evils of truth and love , to extend our reach to the stars above - said them together

- Jessie

- James with a perfect tan - said James

- There's nothing like a tropical vacation - said Jessie

- The blue sea - said James

- The white sand - said Jessie

- And the blazing sun above - said James

- Ah the sun - said Jessie

- Yes that blazing sun , fiery and burning and burning , burning - said James - BARNING !!!! - shouted James

- Something is really burning ! - shouted Jessie

- You are in a bad place for nap - said Meowth

And the ship was upside down so they were under the stove and the stove made fire , so they caught fire and started panicking , but then they went under a water faucet and the fire was extinguished , and when they left the kitchen :

- Why is everything upside down ? - asked Jessie 

- The ship capsized inside while you two were sleeping - said Meowth

- What ?! - asked Jessie and James at the same time

- We've got to abandon the ship immediately ! - said James in panic

- I'm afraid it won't be so easy to get off while the ship's underwater - said Meowth

- Ah the ship is sunk !!! - said James again in panic

- Calm down James , I've already thought of a way to get us out of here - said Jessie looking to James eyes showing the pokeball - Ekans go ! , Ekans acid open a hole in the floor will use it to escape ! 

- Wait don't do that ! - said Meowth

But Ekans did , and water got out :

- When the ship is sunk you can't do that , we need to get out of here - said Meowth

Jessie and James were trying to prevent the spill of water but even so the water took it all and they were drowned .  Until Misty's Goldeen saved them and Jessie , James and Meowth lay on the floor in front of Ash , Brock and Misty :

- Team Rocket !?! - asked Ash

- They look terrible ! - said Brock 

- Prepare , prepare for trouble ! - said Jessie confused

- Yes and make it double - said James confused

- Ah you ! - said Jessie and James together and they saw Ash , Misty and Brock

- We've got you brats corner - said Jessie taking her pokeball

- So you followed us all the way to the bottom of the sea ! - said Brock taking his pokeball too

- Ekans ! - said Jessie throwing the pokeball

- Koffing ! - said James throwing the pokeball

- Here we go - said Ash and Brock throwing the pokeballs too with a Bulbasaur , a Charmender , Squirtle and a Geodude 

- Oh my god all right a match - said Ash 

But the ship began to shake and all of them fall in the floor :

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