Chapter 17 Jessie POV - Jealous

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So they were rescued by a boat Ash , Misty and Brock were inside the boat , Jessie , James and Meowth were seized to a box that was clinging to the boat :

- We're really at the end of our rope - said Meowth sad looking to the water

- No room , no room service - said James sad

- Stop whining we don't have a cent so this is better than been swimming - said Jessie

Then a loudspeaker of the city spoke :

- Speak welcomes the passengers arriving from Porto Vista we invite you all to attend our annual summer spends festival now in progress 

Then when Jessie , James and Meowth left the box .. :

- People speed really much money in this festivals but they never pay attention so they drop they money all over the place - said Jessie

- Money is sweeter - said James 

Then James saw a girl :

- Sweet - said James looking at the girl

- I'm out of it stop daydreaming that festival is waiting and I can smell money - said Jessie with jealous for James was looking for another girl

- I can smell hot dogs - said Meowth 

So they at the festival were on the floor looking for coins :

- Nothing there's no money in this festival - said Jessie

- Not a quarter nickel or dime not even a painting - said James

- What kind of festival is this we gotta keep looking until we find something - said Meowth

- Oh a pity - said James taking a coin on the floor

- Hold it right there - said a old woman 

- I drop this - said James smiling

- I've been watching you and you're up to no good and there's no good in your future - said the old woman

- Who ? the police , the sheriff the FBI ? - asked James

- I see a young and beautiful woman who will lead you to a cruel fate - said the old woman

- I don't need anyone to tell me that always some woman is always causing me trouble it's occurs even if I love her - said James

- Who do you mean ? - asked Jessie

- Good afternoon I with the local police department and I know exactly what you're all doing , I see you found some money that someone dropped when a money is lost even a penny it must be reported to the authorities , thanks for being such an observant citizen now if you'll just follow me we will to the report at the station - said officer Genny 

- The station ?! - asked James scared 

- We don't want to get in your way so why don't you go ahead and file it without us keep the change - said Jessie running away with James and Meowth

So they then went to see the demonstration of the painting :

- Welcome to celebrate the summer's end festival we will now display the shrine of the maidens greates treasure for 2,000 years this painting has hung within the shrine of the mate once eachyears it is removed from the shrine and displayed to the public during this festival and I unveil the painting please gaze with preference - said the old man showing the painting 

And in that painting was the girl James saw :

- Who's that ? - asked Jessie

- She's cute - said Meowth

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