Chapter 1

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Percy sighed as he ran a hand through his hair. He walked into a bar, slipping on his hood. He grabbed a seat and winced as he sat down. He probably looked like crap. He lived with an abusive step-dad, even though he was 22. He wasn't allowed to leave. As he took a sip of his drink, he heard a familiar voice. "Percy?"

He spun around and winced as he did. He looked into the color changing eyes of Piper, his childhood best friend. He smiled slightly, and not just any smile. A real smile. Piper gave him a huge hug. "Pipes! Gah!" He groaned as he backed away. She gave him a worried look. She sighed and carefully took his hand, leading him away. He put a $10 down as they left.

She hailed a cab, pushing him in. She told the cab-driver the address. She looked him in the eye, "Sleep." He soon found himself falling asleep.

He woke up being nudged. Pipes pulled him out, and payed the cabby. She pushed him along to a tree with a- dragon?! "Piper why the hell is there a dragon?" She looked at him and smiled.

"Yer a demigod, Percy." He chuckled as he used his favorite movie quote. She dragged him towards the big blue house. He then saw a man in a wheelchair and a hot guy in a purple shirt playing cards. [Mr. D is hot in this ;)]

Percy looked down as the man in the wheel chair glanced at him. "Piper, who is this?" She smiled. "This is my best friend, Percy Jackson." The other man groaned. "You let a mortal in here?" He glared at Piper, so Percy glared back surprising him.

"Piper said I was a demigod. Whatever that is..." He mumbled the last part. "How old are you, Percy?" Wheelchair man questioned. "Uh, 22. I, uh, just turned a couple of months ago." The men looked at each other as if having an inside conversation. "Have you seen any, uh, monsters?" Hot guy asked.

"If you count the one I live with then yes." Percy mumbled but apparently they heard. Crap. Wheelchair guy raised an eyebrow. He coughed awkwardly. "Uh, I have seen like a one eyed dude and very beastly dogs with glowing red eyes. Thought I was hallucinating."

"And what did you do?" Questioned hot guy. Damn he needs to learn his name. "Uh run." Percy said in a 'duh' tone. He rolled his eyes. Piper coughed. He spun around wincing as he did. That got a few looks. "You need to stop that, McLean." She just grinned and pulled him along. "Meet my friends."

They stopped at a mess hall type thing. "Beauty Queen! Ooh! Sparky gonna be jealous!" A small Latino elf chirped. Percy just glared at him. He flinched but then Percy was slapped up on the head. He was going to speak but more people walked towards them.

"Pipes who's this?" Came a jealous voice. They all looked around 16 to 18. "Oh come on. I wouldn't date Piper ever. No offense." He added quickly after the glare. "Who are you?" A blonde grey eyed girl asked again. "Someone."

That just seemed to piss her off even more. Before anyone could say anything else, it all silenced with wide eyes everywhere.

"All hail Perseus Jackson son of Poseidon, god of the seas and the storm breaker, champion of Hestia and Artemis."

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