~Chapter 16~ Mistakes and Cakes

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"Fire, you hear anything?" I ask as we cautiously move deeper into the cave. "No, that's what worries me." Fire whispers. "We should be hearing Cory mining into the dungeon or him fighting mobs." "You're right, it's too quiet." Just then, the silence is broken when an arrow flies by my head onto the cave wall. "That almost hit me!" I whisper yell. Fire tries to pull it out of the wall. "It's a skeleton arrow, I can't pull it out of the wall!" She whisper yells back. "Guys, get down and get over here!" We hear Cory whisper yell. We swiftly move where Cory barricaded himself while arrows continue to fly. "So Cory, have you noticed how trouble seems to find you? Fire exclaims with irritation and concern. "All joking aside, I haven't seen this many skeletons before. I've counted three spawners, but there could be more counting how many skeletons there are down here." Cory explains. "This is not normal. I've never seen this many spawners in one place.." I say looking around. "I have a feeling Herobrine somehow knows about our journey and doesn't want us to reach the end." States Fire. The sounds of skeleton bones rattling get louder and louder. "I think we're trapped. This is worse then a full moon!  There must be fifty skeletons out there and they keep coming!" Cory yells. "Have any ideas?" Fire questions. "Well, let's see what we have in our inventories." I exclaim. "I have three lave buckets, a flint and steel, and a few flame charges. That's all I have that could be helpful." Fire explains showing her inventory. "I have a bow and some arrows, one potion of invisibility,a cake and an iron picaxe." I show my inventory. "Well, the cake isn't helpful now, but it would be helpful if we get out of here alive to celebrate our survival!" Cory jokes. We just stare at him. "Ok, ok, it's not the time to joke. But the potion might be useful." He says. "What do you have?" Fire asks Cory. "Um, I have a pic, sheers, bonemeal, TNT, a sign and a fishing rod, and some sand." He says, showing his inventory. "Ok, I have an idea. One of us can use the potion of invisibility and set off the TNT at the entrance of the cave to blow up the skeletons. That won't kill them all, but it may give us a chance to exit the cave and get out of the ravine. Then we can eat the cake, I'm starving." Fire explains. "Anyone have any better ideas?" Me and Cory look at each other and shake our heads no at the same time. "Ok, time to put our plan in action, and let's hope it works out that smooth. (Y/n), can you set off the explosion?" Fire asks me. "U-um, s-sure." I say nervously. "Ok, once you set off the TNT and the potion has not worn off, don't wait for me and Cory. Just get out of the ravine as fast as you can." I nod as Fire gives me a flint and steel and Cory gives me his TNT. I drink the potion and turn invisible.

-Third Person View-

(Y/n) ingests the potion and vanishes out of sight. She runs through the crowd of skeletons to the entrance of the cave, quickly plants the TNT and lights it. She then sprints to a waterfall flowing inside the cave from the surface and swims upwards. A loud explosion can be heard.

Meanwhile, on the surface..

Cici and Ender are playing with Link, and Daphne and Roxy are eating cake. They here a loud explosion and rush to the ravine to see what the commotion is. "What do you see, what's going on down there?!" Roxy yells. "I see Fire and Cory rushing to get up the waterfall but where's (Y/n)?" Ender feels a tap on her shoulder. She turns around but know one's there. "I'm right here." (Y/n) exclaims. Ender screams. "I drank an invisibility potion, don't freak out!" "Well, I'm already freaked!" She yells. Just then Fire and Cory crawl out of the ravine. "Has anyone seen (Y/n) yet?" Fire pants. "I haven't seen her, I've heard her though." Ender states. "I'm here. I made it out too. My potion hasn't warn off yet." (Y/n) says. "Well congratulations Fire, the plan worked just fine! Now let's eat that cake!" Cory exclaims smiling. "Cake, Roxy and I have been eating cake since you've left! We couldn't eat another bite!" Says Daphne. "So Cory, remind me to never follow you on any 'quick' dungeon raids." Fire says, looking at Cory. "Well I guess you want me to put these saddles and gold back where I found them." Cory says, walking towards the ravine. "Where did you find them?" Fire asks. "I found them laying around. The explosion must have blown the chests up." Cory exclaims. "Seriously, we need to stick together and Focus on our mission." States Fire. "I have a feeling Herobrine knows we're here and wants to stop us."

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