~Chapter 19~ Entering The End

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After moving through a few chambers, Ender leads us into a room containing the End Portal. "Here we are. Since the Dragon is out destroying the villages, it shouldn't be here. If it's true Herobrine is involved, we can't take any chances. Let's split up, Ender, Cici and Roxy, Cory and Daphne, and (Y/n) and me. Me and (Y/n) will go in first." Fire explains jumping through the Portal. I follow Fire without hesitation. Although I am anxious about the dangers that may lay ahead. For a few seconds all I see is darkness and silence. During those seconds my thoughts turned towards our mission. There is a lot at stake and we must not fail. I merge into the silent world of the End, standing on an obsidian platform. The silence is broken by Fire yelling "(Y/n), this way!" As I'm following her, I look back to see the others spawning on the platform. "I count nine Crystals. (Y/n) and I will start working this way." Fire says pointing to the right. "You guys go the other way. We must work fast in case the Dragon comes back!" We systematically start destroying the Ender Crystals one by one until there's one left. "Last one!" Cici shouts building up to the Crystal. Just then, a flaming arrow comes out of nowhere piercing Cici in the chest, knocking her all the way down. "CICI!" Ender screams running toward her sister. Two figures emerge from the edge of the darkness. Both of them wearing dark colored clothes with masks covering their mouths. "Who are you?!" Fire yells. "That doesn't matter. We are here to stop you!" Replies one of the figures. With that said, they start unleashing a flurry of flaming arrows. I hear a yelp and look over to see Ender has been hit in the shoulder. Just then, Cory too is struck. An arrow shoots me in the foot. We return fire with our bows and I realize they are out of range. "We can't hit them, there're too far away!" I yell. "How are they hitting us?! They are too strong! We can't overpower them!" Roxy screams. "Take cover!" Fire yells to everyone. Daphne helps Cici, Ender, and Cory take shelter behind an obsidian column. We are clearly outmatched. "We need to take shelter!" Fire reluctantly said. Such is life, we had come so far and were about to destroy the last Crystal. But now moments later we find ourselves overpowered and cornered with seemingly no way out. For the first time, I began to accept the possibility that our mission will fail. "Does anyone else hear that barking?" Roxy asks. We all look over to the spawning platform in the distance. Two dogs appear and begin running towards the evil twins. "It's Link and (D/n)!" I yell worriedly trying to call the dogs over to our location. "It's no use, Ender, Cici, and (Y/n) have been hit, their dogs have teleported and will 'try' to attack them." Roxy says. "While they're distracted I'm going to see if I can get closer to get a better shot." Fire whispers sneaking closer to the twins. Link and (D/n)'s attack has caused one of the evil twins to back up to the edge. "You stupid dogs! Get away from me!" The twin yells. "Hey look! Fire is in range and she's raising her bow!" (Y/n) whispers. Fire shoots a flaming arrow at the twin and knocks her off into the void. Angered by this action, the remaining twin shoots (D/n) knocking her off into the void. "NO!" I scream sobbing. "MY DOG!" "Muhahahaha!" She cackles. I limp over to Fire, Roxy following. We all realize we have to take advantage of this opportunity now that she has been distracted. Fire, Roxy, and I draw back our bows and shoot at the same time at the remaining twin. We all hit our target. She falls down into the void. I hear her scream as she disappears from sight "THIS ISN'T THE END OF US!" We all remain motionless and once again, a silence overtakes the End world. Then as if on cue we break forth with cheer and applause. "We did it we did it! They're gone!" Cici yells happily. "We never could have done it without Link and (D/n)! They distracted them long enough for Fire to shoot the twin!" Ender cheers. "Fire, you shot them!" Cory congratulates Fire. "No, we did it. My arrow alone would have not been enough to shoot her into the void. (Y/n), Roxy, your timing was perfect!" Fire commends us. "Story about your dog (Y/n).." Cici says sadly."I-It's ok.." I say. "Before this victory celebration goes too far, let's complete our mission, we have one more Crystal to destroy." Fire says. "I will finish what I started!" Cici exclaims building up towards the Crystal. She destroys it and jumps down. "Great job guys!" Says Fire. "Now that the Crystals are destroyed, there's a possibility that we will be able to kill the Enderdragon, but it won't be easy." "Did you hear what one of the twins said when she fell into the void? She said 'This is not the end of us.' What does that mean?" Cory asks. "I don't know. But we did learn a valuable lesson, expect the unexpected and never under estimate your enemy." Fire states. "Now it's back to WindHelm!" Ender says. We all jump through the Portal.

Meanwhile, back in the End world..

Near the edge that the evil twins fell over..

Two sets of hands can be seen climbing and clawing emerging from the void..

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