mother to mother

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after that little scare that I gave theo I was feeling happier. I felt as if I was finally putting the past Behind me and start moving forward with my family and who I am and my love life but as I started thinking about it I realized that I'm still stuck because I still hold resentment for 2 people and thats my mom and my sister.

in order for me the be happy I can't always hold that grudge and I realized that and it's speak to my mother and actually talking to her and listening, not yelling but listening is what's fix us, because I need to understand how she can possibly not understand where I was coming from.

How can she possibly be find with her daughter marrying her other daughters ex husband after they had an affair. how could she just say you need to forgive because your sister's. that because we're sisters we should have had an understanding.

but because she's my mother she should have said yes your sister was wrong, she hurt you and I understand why you're angry with her.

instead she just brushed it off like it didn't matter and she just took her side and it hurt me that she did and even though I allowed her, I allowed her to be in my son's life and never kept him from her. It was always were family this were family that but what she did understand was you can't be a family if you have hatred in it and when I tell you I hate my sister in hate her.

it was an accident what she did. it wasn't I'm sorry, it wasn't I didn't meet to, it was I'm going to hurt you and I know how to hurt you and it's by taking away something you love.

I need to let my mom know that just because we're family it doesn't fix anything.

So I decided to call-up my mom because this was long overdue.I got on my phone and dialed her number.

"hello" my mom spoke Softly into the phone.

" hey it's nat" I said equally soft

" i know hun i have caller id, what do you need"? she sounded so tired

"Mom I wanna talk to you and I don't think this is gonna be a quick conversation where are you"?

"well I'm with your sister who's Bandaged up pretty bad after the beating that you gave her" her voice cracked as she spoke.

I was silent for a moment until I said some thing that I knew my mom didn't expect.

"I hope you know I'm not sorry for what I did and she deserved it " I said sternly

"Are you serious right now, are you really serious you hurt her bad the she is-" she started getting louder

"mom look this is not a conversation I wanna have over the phone like I said. I need to talk to you so tell me or text me where you are because if you want to yell at me it's better to do it face-to-face because I wanna talk to you to OK good bye" 

I hung up and started getting really angry. I let out a frustrated scream and then I turned around to face a awkward faced theo.

 I let out a frustrated scream and then I turned around to face a awkward faced theo

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" babe are you okay" he asked

I looked down at my phone and say my mom said to come to her house in two hours.

" I am completely fine"


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Omg I know it's been like 5 months.😢
if you stuck by then thanks if not hopefully you come back.

back to being a regular updater. this was kinda a filler. thanks my lovelies

vote.comment.or don't it's your choice ✌🏽

P.S- kinda didn't edit

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