My Dear Sister

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You know thinking back on it when I was growing up I was never jealous or hateful towards my sister. she was my little sister and I cared about her and I would have never hurt her, I would have protected her from anything. To think that she's the same girl who used to come in my Room when she was 11 to talk about boys, do each other's hair, put on make up (terribly) and just laugh.

Now here I am standing outside the hospital Room of my sister who I put in there after she slept with my husband was apart of the reason we divorced and basically told me the reason that she did it is because she has always hated me. It feels almost surreal.

with a deep breath I opened the door to see Trish in bed staring at the window with a dull look in her eyes. it was so quite in was almost Eerie.

" we need to talk" I said

she looked at me and Scuffed.

" look at my face, this is what happened the last time we 'talked'"
she said looking away again

" That wasn't really my fault now was it, You brought that on yourself I was just trying to keep the peace" I shrugged

" what are you doing here, What could you possibly want from me at this point"

" I just want answers no fighting this time, i got that all out of my system" i walked over to the chair next to her bed

"well lucky you"

it was for a few seconds.

"If you want answers you should probably ask a fucking question or get out Because seeing you right now is really not helping my mood" Trish hissed

" All I want to know is why why did you do this to me I have only ever been the greatest sister I could possibly be to you so how could you hurt me like this"

" I thought I already told you why" she stared Blankly.

" Yeah and I call bullshit because there is no way you can systematically ruined my life just because of petty jealousy and if you did girl you have some messed up things about you that you need to get therapy about. I mean come on really

'Oh I'm so jealous of my sister she was valedictorian But I'm not going to take into consideration the hours she spent studying to make sure she was Valedictorian.

'oh It's not fair my sister has a great boyfriend but again I'm not going to take into consideration that it takes 2 people to be in a relationship and it is work'

  'Oh I'm so jealous of my sister you know she gets everything she wants people are always comparing us'

well maybe it's because I am so accomplish that they saw me as a role model for you . Trish you can never be me and the fact that you Did all of this just because you are jealous of me makes you pathetic in the utmost way.

 Trish you can never be me and the fact that you Did all of this just because you are jealous of me makes you pathetic in the utmost way

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I just couldn't help it and laughed because the idea was really fucked up

She was quiet for a few minutes So I thought this was it so I got up and started walking to the door

but then she started to speak

"You know You might think I'm pathetic and maybe you're right but just like you said I'm not you and your not me so you have no idea what it's like to have your existence always being compared to someone else's. you don't know what it's like to have to live up to some invisible expectation and believe me sis it sucks.

even when you left for college all I heard was 'your like your sister, your pretty like your sister, how's your sister doing, I hope you grow Up to be just like your sister, Sister this and sister that, Sister sister sister that is all I have ever heard. never once  'What do you wanna do Trisha, you're your own person Trisha. I have never heard someone say that to me.

And you think I don't know it's fucked up what I did to you trust me I knowbut when you felt that hurt that is how I felt about you for years, just hurt. Nat In any scenario if you play the hero I wanna be the villain. truth be told I hate you, I hate you so much"

when she was done there were tears going down her face and I was stuck

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when she was done there were tears going down her face and I was stuck

After everything we've been through it was kind of devastating to hear her say that to me and honestly don't know what to do.

" so that's it, we're done are your not my sister anymore" I asked still standing by the door

she chuckled " We haven't been sisters for a long time And you know it's true. there's nothing to build back But the idea of what you thought it was"

"so what happens now Trish"

"When I get healed up leaving Going somewhere far away. it's kinda funny should've done that from the beginning" she smirked

I looked at here and examined every inch of her face for what felt like hours.

" I hope you know that you're still my little sister and I love you, whether you believe me or not I do, even after all we've been through" I said with a shaky voice

Trisha turned her head back to the window and with that I just left but not before I saw a stray tear fall from her eye.

and for some reason I was happy.

and for some reason I was happy

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and now it is complete.

it is a short story so I just wanted it to End on this note. I hope you're not too disappointed with how their relationship ended in a sense.

The reason I did it this way is to show that it was actually a beginning for them.

It took me so many months I know but it's finished and thank you for sticking by and I hoped you enjoyed.

P.S did not edit

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