Let's Begin...

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Hi there! Hope you all are excited! This is what I have been working on for a while and one of the reasons I have been kinda inactive here on Wattpad. I have wanted to make a comic since I was very little. Actually, I used to make little funny comics with my real life best friend when we were in fifth grade. She is one of my biggest inspirations. So, thank you, Dawnfire, for being who you are. <3


Welcome to Ariain, a land of magic and wisdom, where creatures large and small run free. 

This comic series will focus on the perytons that inhabit this land.

There are two types of peryton; Avian and Insect.



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More docile of the two species of peryton, protective of territory, less likely to attack intruders without talking first, call Insect peryton "savages", have large, front fangs (for does AND bucks)

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More docile of the two species of peryton, protective of territory, less likely to attack intruders without talking first, call Insect peryton "savages", have large, front fangs (for does AND bucks)

Territory - Forest

Diet - Lots of fish, some grazing

Ranks - 

Head Stag/Head Doe: Leader, makes the bigger decisions, take control of attacks and protecting herd

 High Elder: Adviser for Head Stag/Doe and other peryton in the herd, stays in herd camp, older than 60 springs, storyteller

 Hunters: Hunts for the whole herd, usually Avian peryton with large wings and can fly long distances

 Quick Hooves (Scouts): Patrol in the skies and borders for any intuders/enemies

 Mothers, Fawns: Nursing does and young, stay in camp, doe will go back to usual rank after nursing

*Just some quick studies, not fully detailed*



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More aggressive than Avians, VERY protective of borders, will attack intruders without second thought, call Avians "weak and scared", sharper teeth

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More aggressive than Avians, VERY protective of borders, will attack intruders without second thought, call Avians "weak and scared", sharper teeth

Territory - Moors, beaches

Diet - Grazing, carcasses

Ranks -

Great Wing: Leader, in charge of all of herd, can only be male

High Elder: Oldest peryton is herd, adviser for all in herd, storyteller

Scavengers: Finds carcasses, brings back to herd

Ground Runners: Any insect peryton unable to fly patrol on ground, fight on intruders/enemies

Mother, Fawns: Nursing does and young, stay in camp, doe will go back to usual rank after nursing



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Well, I hope you all enjoy my comic!

I look forward to your comments!

P.S. I will look into adoptable avian and insect peryton, but FOR NOW, these are MY species, no OCs may be made. Thank you! (I DO NOT OWN THE PERYTON MYTHOLOGY! JUST THESE!)

-Flutter- A Peryton's Tale ::A Comic By BadgerStrike::Where stories live. Discover now