An Unusual Appearance

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Miraculous: Newcomers and New Lovers

Chapter 1: An Unusual Appearance

Ladybug rolled on the blacktop, every muscle in her body aching from being thrown by the akumatized villain, Volpina. She wracked her brain, looking for the smartest strategy to defeat her. Lucky Charm? It was the best bet. She fired back with a swift lucky charm, only to watch with immense confusion as a seemingly useless pair of fake ladybug earrings appeared in her hand. How would this work? Ladybug had to act fast. An idea formed in her head, and she did not hesitate to put it into action. She offered the spotted earrings to Volpina, hoping with all her might that she would take the bait and fall for the trick. "Chat Noir, NOW!" she shouted as a signal for Chat to activate his Cataclysm. He quickly used his power to destroy the ground, causing Volpina to collapse and become trapped in the wreckage. Ladybug immediately broke the villain's necklace, removing the akuma that had flooded Volpina with evil. With the villain defeated, Paris was once again safe - for now. The crime-fighting duo departed, leaving each other's presence to transform back to their normal selves and continue on with their regular, teenage lives.

Later that day, 4:45pm

"Tikki, I feel really bad about taking this book from Adrien..." Marinette said as she gazed at the mysterious book in her hands. "Maybe, we should give it back to him." Marinette stood up, as if she was ready to return the book to Adrien, only to be stopped by Tikki. "No, you can't return this book! I know who this belongs to, and I think that now it's time for you to meet him." Tikki's sudden outburst left Marinette in shock. She couldn't comprehend why meeting this so called "master" was so important. Who could it be? What is the importance of meeting this man? That was for her to find out. After quickly grabbing her bag, Marinette and Tikki set out to find this man to discuss the book and what lies ahead of them.

Marinette paused before entering the building. It gave off a strange aura, sending goosebumps up her arms. "Marinette, are you alright?" Tikki asked as she watched Marinette pause before entering. "Y-yea, i'm fine. Now let's go!" Marinette hesitated, but she trusted Tikki- yet she was unsure of what lied inside. Despite that, she entered the building with determination. Inside was a small, oddly shaped room. A man was sitting in the center of the room, as if waiting for Marinette to arrive.

The tense atmosphere caused Marinette's stomach to twist in knots. "Well, hello Ladybug..." the man quietly stated as Marinette walked further into in the room. Marinette reached into her cross-body bag for the book. "Um, excuse me sir, but I believe this is your- WHA? How do you know who I am?"
The man chuckled, and walked towards Marinette suspiciously. "Ah, yes, there it is. Thank you so much Ladybug." he said with a grin.
"Wait, how do you know that I'm Ladybug? I mean, I never told anyone."
The man slowly walked towards an old box on a far table, smiling, filling the room's atmosphere with an awkward essence. "Marinette, I know all that there is to know about every miraculous holder there is, or ever was. Which is why I am glad that you are here. There is something I must tell you."

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