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I ran out of the hotel and ran to a nearby park. I sat down on a bench and started crying. Why would Jake not let me date the one person I have liked. Is it cause my past experiences were horrible? We know Marcus would never do that he was my best friend and he ended up being my boyfriend. I tried to push those thoughts out of my head and I stood up.  I looked around to see where I was but I didn't recognize where I was. Why did I have to run away why couldn't I have ran to the roof or something. I felt for my phone in my pants and I finally found it. "Yes I found it" I said talking to myself. I turned it on and hesitated. Who would I call? If I call Lucas Marcus will tag along and Jake will most likely follow. If I call Marcus Lucas would tag along  and Jake would follow either way. I'll just text Marcus and say I'm fine.
(S=Skylar M= Marcus and all the texting will be in bold)
S: Marcus I didn't want to call but I just wanted to say I'm fine and I'm at a nearby park if you come please don't bring Lucas or Jake I'm fine if you bring Alissa.
M: what happened Jake won't tell us anything!
S: I'll tell you if you find me
I turned off my phone and I started to walk. I walked for about an hour until I went to cross the  road "SKYLAR WATCH OUT!" I heard someone scream before everything went black.

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I'm sorry for such a short chapter. I've been gone so long and I wanted to get something up for you guys. Hoped you like the chapter buh bai readers.

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