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I woke up the next morning and I tried to remember what happened last night. It's gonna be hard trying to keep me and Marcus's relationship hidden, But now that I think about it Marcus never asked me out. I pushed those thoughts out of my head and I got up and got dressed. I walked down the stairs and I yelled for Jake "Jake! Where are you." "Over here!" He yelled from the kitchen I walked over to him and he said "We are going to Vidcon." I became excited I have always loved going to Vidcon cause I get to meet my online friends there. "Anyone coming with us?" I asked "Lucas,Marcus and Jessica" he said. I jumped up and down and Jake tripped me when I was landing and I fell. I laughed loudly "really Jake?" I said while laughing I haven't laughed this hard for a long time. "Your welcome" Jake said while walking up the stairs and into his room to I'm pack. I ran up the stairs and Into my room and I stuffed the stuff I needed into it quickly. "Jake I'm ready!" I yelled while running out of my room and running down the stairs.  I waited for what felt like forever to me but was actually like 10 minutes " let's go get Marcus and Lucas" Jake said walking down the stairs and opening the door. Once we got everyone we started to drive to the airport.
Time skip to on the airplane cause I can't think of anything to write        
I had to sit next to Jessica on the plane cause Jake thought we could have some 'girl time'. I wanted to know why she hated me so I decided to ask her "Hey Jessica why do you hate me?" "I Don't know it was just a first thought I had so I went with it" she said. "Do you wanna start over?" I asked "sure" she said. We talked and got to know each other better and before I knew it was time to get off. I walked up to Marcus and we slowed down to talk. "Hey" i said casually not trying to draw attention to ourselves "hi Sky" Marcus said. I noticed we were behind so I asked " are we like dating" I said quietly
"If you want to" Marcus said "sure I do" I said jumping. "How about we do something fun?" I said (not that you dirty mined readers!) "what?" He said. "Let me get on your shoulders and we will run up to them and scare them" I said as he started to smirk. He let me up on his shoulders and we ran up behind them. "BOO!" We screamed at the same time. They all jumped and we laughed so hard that we fell down. "Really?" They all said no unison "yep" me and Marcus said still laughing. After that we just drove to the hotel. "Who wants to share with who?" Jake said " I call Marcus" I said grabbing Marcus "I'll share with them I guess" Lucas said pouting and pointing at Jake and Jessica. Me and Marcus went into our room and we looked at it. I noticed that there was only one bed and I blushed at it. Marcus had always slept with his shirt off so it's gonna be awkward even though we're dating. I fell down on the bed and said "I'm going to sleep because I can and Vidcon starts tomorrow." After I said that I fell into a deep sleep.

Authors note
I hoped you liked this chapter love you readers!

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