The Woman in Spandex

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Update 6/12/14: Hello. I am living. How is it going? Good? Fabulous. Well, I’m here doing a revise of this story. I’ve been making an actual book, but writers block has taken me and killed my desire to write said book. I’m not putting it up anywhere though. Not until it’s up in stores. *puts on sunglasses* YEEEAAAHHH. Alright. I’m revising this bitch because I’ve learned how to write gooder. (Note: That was a joke) So, until an idea hits me, I’m back. To put it in fandom terms: Surprise bitch. I bet you thought you’d seen the last of me.

Update 10/7/12: Okay, I know this may seem like a horrid story with all the problems and what not…but give it a chance? I think it gets better later on, but I don't know. I had no editor and still have no one to edit my stuff. It's all me with my head on school and other things. All I ask is for you to give this a chance to heat up. Maybe or just go along with your merry day.


“Did you say goodbye to your mother?” My dad’s rough voice broke me from my thoughts.

"Yes dad." I said tapping my converse gently on the dark maroon carpet, trying not to seem annoyed. I stood by the terminal in Olympia Regional Airport waiting for the announcement. My adrenaline was pumping as I glanced at my phone to check the time. I glanced back up at the boarding time.

There’s only two more minutes.” I thought to myself as I tried shaking off the nerves that made my heart beat uncontrollably fast. I wasmoving to Tampa, Florida from the small town of Centralia, Washington. I mean, I had lived in Louisville, Kentucky for almost six years doing OVW, but I had a strong feeling that Louisville was not like Tampa. Moving is a giant deal for me. I’ve wanted to move to Florida since I was a little girl. Something about the place made had drawn me in.

Maybe it was because my dad always traveled to Tampa. He’s a lawyer. He stays local now, but when I was young, he used to travel to see his clients. Most of his clients lived out of the state, so he would almost always be gone weekdays.

I remember when he got home on weekends; he would always have something for my twin brothers, Zac and Eric. He always gave them little key chains. When it came to my present, it was usually just between him and I. It was a postcard from the place he had been. Even if the postcard’s picture was from miles away, he got it for me. I always loved the ones from Florida the most. Everything seemed peaceful there…

The real reason that I was moving to Florida was because of Mr. McMahon. He wanted me to become part of the official roster of WWE. I breathed in. Of all the talented people in OVW, he picked me, of all of the women in OVW; he picked me to become a WWE Diva. I was beyond flattered. I had bent over backwards for that company for years and now I was being rewarded for it. It felt good, but I wasn’t about to let it go to my head. I was going from the top of one food chain to the bottom of the next. I breathed out quietly. That was a terrifying thought.

I knew I was going to the bottom of the food chain in WWE, and being at the bottom meant more training to achieve something greater. I was moving to Tampa to work in FCW while I was in the WWE. I was glad I could train while I had time off. Practice makes perfect, and I still needed to work on a few stunts. I was nervous too. I had never heard of anyone being in both FCW and WWE at the same time, even if it was only training. Maybe WWE stars did, I didn’t know. They don’t just announce that they’re training at FCW. Just the thought of messing up a move I thought I had perfected in front of someone higher up than me made me nauseous. Even if I was only training in FCW, the wrestlers there were higher in the food chain than I was. The only good thing about the whole thing was being close to people I actually knew. Moving to Tampa, I would know two people there. Both of them were WWE Diva’s; Katey-Jane (KJ) Una and Cynthia Smith, my friends and my tag-team partners growing up.

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