The End

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Hey everyone. All 5 of you. It's been a while. 5 years next month to be exact, since I uploaded. As you may know, if you look on my profile, I've been busy with 2 other stories, that have both lasted at least 5 chapters. Pretty strange to think that I'm going back to this. I've changed so much from a 15 year old to a 19 year old. I don't watch wrestling any more. It's kind of my dark past. Not to make any of you embarassed for liking wrestling now (if anyone ever reads this). But for me, I grew out of it. Well, you can't really grow out of a passion. Sometimes when I see commercials for either Smackdown or Raw I still get a little giddy. How can something that you were obsessed with (and even wrote fanfictions about) just go away. Truthfully, I will always have the WWE in my heart. But let's get down the real reason I came back to this story.

This story was my baby. I wrote all of it in a notebook. This was the only thing I've ever finished, but it's all in a notebook. And my writing skills have (hopefully) increased since the last time I wrote anything for this. So this would have been a long and painful road for me to take if I tried and went back and re-wrote it all. So I'm just going to tell you how it all ends. That's right. No story gets left behind. OHANA MEANS FAMILY. Thus, this is a synopsis of how the story would have went and how it would have ended.

Ella gets forced into Nexus. Everyone is a dick to her. Especially Barrett. Ella and Cena become BFFs and Cynthia hates it and basically cuts Ella out of her life because drama. Matches happen, such as Cynthia vs Ella and Cynthia wins and turns heel (because she cheated obvi) and Cena tries to rescue Ella from Nexus because Nexus is bad (mmkay), and brawl with Cena and Nexus. But that's just the onscreen part. Offscreen, Ella and Bennett still hate each other, but continue to get rooms booked together to keep character for onscreen, but they hate each other so it's just a bunch of fighting and bickering and accidentally seeing each other naked and being frustrated because they're both hot. Time passes, they get used to each other and it's civil. Cena and Ella get closer than friends because Cynthia is a major bitch on and off screen so Cena is like "bye bitch". So it's not cheating because all they really do is hangout and get close to making out by don't because Bennett. Time passes, Bennett and Ella have to go visit their families for the show, and both are very uncomfortable with the idea. So they go and visit Ella's family first and it's all good and looks nice on camera because bickering. Plus with Ella's dad being an older wrestler, it gets weird because on screen, Barrett is a dick, but off screen Bennett is such a fanboy and it's cute and Ella is so amused by it. Then they go and see Ella's grandma in the old folks home and it's super sad and none of its for the cameras, so it's super emotional. Because old grandma in nursing home. When they finally leave to go visit Bennett's family, they go and see the grandma one more time and it's super sad. Ella cried and Bennett is a big softy and makes sure she's okay. SO NOW TO ENGLAND. Same kind of thing on screen, except Barrett is very embarrassed because his family loves her and Ella is a nice kind soul so is nice back. Offscreen it's the same because Bennett is embarrassed because his mom loves Ella and keeps on hinting that there should be something offscreen. Later they go out and party because that's what young people do. Ella gets fucked up and Bennett does too (don't worry, his imaginary brother is there(doeshehavearealbrotheridk)) so sometime in the night Ella gets pissed off about something and goes off to sulk and Bennett is pissed because "oi mate come back" and it leads to a very cliche makeout scene. Then the next morning it's super awkward because they both remember what happens and they avoid the topic. Back in the states things happen, Cena and Ella kinda get super close, but everytime they kiss it's that katy perry song "Thinking of You". So it doesn't go as well as it should. Especially when Liz shows up and Cena and her get back together even tho he's technically with Ella. So Ella is super pissed and has to deal with her emotions with Bennett because Cena brings it up. So it ends with The TLC match with Cena and Bennett. And Ella is supposed to cheer on Cena because yay she's free from Nexus (that was one of the rules if Cena one along with his freedom, he got Ella's too). So when Cena rips those chairs down onto Bennett and wins, Ella is just super emotional because FUCK I LOVE STUART BENNETT. So she hits him in the back with a chair and pulls Barrett out from underneath the chairs. Cena still wins, but now he's embarrassed. Bennett is pissed because "wtf why would you do that? You were supposed to be good! You're free now!" Like totally out of character. And Ella is like "Why would I want to be free from hanging out with you all the time?" And she just fuckin kisses him and the crowd just fucking goes off like "What is happening?!" Everyone is confused. So after the shock of it all, Ella pulls Barrett to the back and people backstage are just like "!!!YOOOOOO" because everyone back there knew they were super in love, except them (cheesy right?). Whoever was manager at the time was going to be like "Okay, this is good, ratings just skyrocketed! Are you both cool with this being on screen?" And Ella would say something super cheeky like "As long as it's offscreen too". And that would be how it ended. Then there would be an epilogue for sometime later and they're getting married and it would be like a split thing. At first it would be like a normal wedding and then BOOM it's actually in the ring. And Cena objects and grabs a chair. That's how the onscreen ending would have been.

But offscreen, they would really get married and be super in love and sarcastic with each other and be really happy and Bennett's family (especially mom) would be whooping and hollering because "I told you so!"

And that's how it would have ended. I feel like I can finally close this chapter of my life. I hope (if anyone reads this) it was satisfying. Not as satisfying as a real thing but you know. A closure.

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