Chapter 1

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A blue pickup pulls to a stop in the parking lot of Summerville High. The ignition hums, spits, then dies. The boy in the driver's seat curses and opens the door. A boy lad in a brown leather jacket, Hollister jeans, and black converses emerges.

A black jeep whips into the parking lot and into parking spot next to the pickup. The boy jumps out of the way as the jeep runs almost into him but doesn't, and parks a few spots away. A blonde girl stepped out, followed by 3 other girls, all of them carrying cheerleading bags. They take similar steps to each other, hair flowing and boots clicking on the pavement. He grins and follows them as they made their way to the front doors of the school. 

The boy follows them up to the front of the school and spots the girl that was driving part from the group. The girl was walking to greet another on the opposite side of the lobby. She was pretty and he was new to the school. He grabs her arm and she rips it out of his hand.

"What do you think you're doing?" She said slightly with a slightly sassy tone.

"Hi. I'm Justin. I'm new at this school. Could you show me around?"

She smiled, and took a deep breath. "Hi....for one, don't touch me. And two, I'm Adelynn but everyone calls me Addy. And three... yes it would be my pleasure to show you around." She says as she sat her cheerleading bag on the table next to her and waved her friends goodbye as they walked to their classes.

"My first period class is AP Calc 12." Justin replies.

She checked her schedule "So do I."

"Cool. Where is it?" Justin questions, nudging her shoulder.

"Down the 100 hallway, second room on the left, and fyi... don't touch me," she paused, "Please and thank you."

"Sorry. Won't happen again Addy." Justin replies with a hand wave. "See you in class." He hurries out of the lobby and to his locker.

"Whatever nerd boy." She smiled as she grabbed her bag and made her way to her locker before the first bell.

Addy didn't think Justin had heard her say those last words, but he smiled as he walked to his locker.

She arrived at her locker and placed her things on the ground as Jace came over from his locker.

"Hello Addy." Jace said as she touched her shoulder. She gave him a warning glance and within seconds he removed his hand.

"Hello Jace, and thanks." She said as she closed her locker, her books in her hand. "We should get to class before we're late"

"Yeah we should." He said as they walked down the hall to room 105.

Jace eyed Justin as he smiled at Addy before walking into the room. "Who was that?"

"Some new kid.....his name is Justin, I think" She said as she sat down in her seat. Her three friends from the parking lot rushed in, two of them sitting on either side of her, and one sitting behind her. Jace takes the seat in front.

Justin was sitting in the front row of the classroom, coincidentally right in front of Jace.

The three girls whispered into Addy's ear, and she laughed with a cute smile before whispering something back, which caused all four girls to laugh together.

Justin turns in his chair, analyzing the students in the classroom. He immediately recognizes an old friend from his previous school sitting in the corner on his phone. "Josh!" He calls, and the boy looks up. "Justin, is that you?" The boy asks as he stands and walks to the front of the room.

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