Chapter 5

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 "You did WHAT to the truck?" Justin's dad said angrily.

"Uh.....I...technically didn't do anything. It was Jace....." Justin replied, dodging the book that was thrown at him. "Same with my face."

"I can't believe this! Get me a Vodka Cocktail from the fridge now!" He said, throwing another book.

"Fine." Justin mumbled, making plans as to how he would get out of the house in the morning.

"CHOP CHOP." He said, coughing.

Justin came back into the room with the drink and handed it to his dad.

He took the drink with fury. He paused drinking when his phone rang moments later.

"Hello?" After a few minutes he hung up and looked at Justin.

"You got SUSPENDED?!" He was very unhappy.

"Yeah....." Justin mumbled.

"GO TO YOUR ROOM." He yelled.

"Ok." He responded with relief. As he turned, a beer can hit him in the shoulder. He shook his head and continued up the stairs.

--------in the morning--------

Justin's phone alarm went off at 5:49 the next morning. "Shoot." He slipped a clean shirt on and pulled on a pair of jeans. He saw a wrench peeking out of his closet and remembered his truck still had to be fixed. He collected a few tools and grabbed Andrew's keys. He managed to sneak out the front door, the vodka last night had put Justin's dad into a drunken sleep-state.

Throwing the tool bag in the backseat, Justin started the ignition and sped to Addy's house.

The gate was already open, and both dogs were laying on the bench by the door on the porch.

Justin grabbed the tools and knocked at the door.

Andrew opened it, " Morning." he welcomed him in.

"Morning." Justin replies and steps in. Addy is on the couch sleeping.

"She was up waiting, I don't think she remembers what happened soo...." he said as he grabbed his coat.

"Ok. Probably for the better. Do you want to take her with us?"

"She should be out for a few more hours, so let's make this quick i have to be at work soon." he said as he walked over checking on Addy before walking to the door.

"Ok. I'm quick at changing tires." Justin laughed, sighed, and looked at the truck.

Andrew got in the driver's side and waited for Justin since he also had his keys.

Justin climbed in the passenger's seat and tossed Andrew the keys.

"Thanks." He said as he swiftly caught the keys and put them in the ignition.

They arrived at the school, sun still rising and cars sparse in the lot. "I'll get right to it." Justin hopped out and got to work.

"Ok." he chuckled getting out and walking to the hood of Justin's truck and lifted it.

"It's not much, but it's what I got......and now it's got an even worse air about it." Justin commented from the ground, as he was screwing in the first tire.

"I have spares in the bed of the truck if you need them." Andrew offered as he was checking the engine and transmission.

"Ok." Justin sits up, stretches his back, and moves onto the second tire.

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