"how am I like a clan cat?" Co hissed his fur beginning to rise. "You seem like that. You and Fifi.. you took care of each other. That's what a clan does." Hollypaw said fear starting to overwhelm her calm aura. " What about fifi? We need to save her!" Co hissed tears starting to well up in his eyes. "She's most likely dead."Hollypaw said carefully hoping not to make co attack her. Co froze his eyes widening "d-dead?" Co said fear replacing the anger inside him. Hollypaw froze. She didn't mean to scare him. "I'm sure she's alive. She's a strong fighter." Hollypaw said gently attempting to sooth him. Co looked down embarrassed. "I..I.. I can't join. I'm sorry." Hollypaw looked at him in shock. He bounded off to the streets. Was this because of Fifi? What happened?

As co ran off into the streets he noticed a monster coming and jumped away just in time. Had he made he right choice? What happened back there? Why does he feel so weird around Hollypaw? He sighed controlling himself. If he can't even focus on the thunderpath, how was he ever supposed to focus on feeding and protecting a clan? And what about fifi? He can't do this. He was too unstable. He heard a cat call to him. It was Hollypaw. Her aura seemed to be so worried and afraid. Why?

As she neared he looked at her again. For the first time he noticed her fur was on end and her eyes were frozen with fear. Her ears kept moving around alert. How could he leave a clan cat that can barely feed herself on the streets! Gosh. Sometimes he was just so selfish. She walked up to him then looked down. "I-i don't know my way around here." She mumbled. He looked at her then kept walking signaling his tail to tell her to follow. She sighed greatfully and followed co.

Sorry for the short chapter! But I just needed to get one out considering the new schedule I made! If you haven't read it then please do so you know when something will be updated! Bye guys! :3 also I think there will only be 15 more chapters till this book ends and i start a new one!

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