...untill i find light.

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in the depths of eddie's thoughts 2 years later

'Why!? did my life turn around and fall into this mess. maybe i shouldn't have lived maybe i can stop this all, with a single plumet.'

I sighed it's all behind me now, iv'e got to win for my sister...

I quickly jump out of my bed and start to do crunches

Sigh i have to defeat a man 8'2" has about 8 tendrils that are strong while trying to zone out his deadly static.


damit i should have lowered the sound on my alarm clock

i guess i have to go

i quickly grab my knapsack and get ready for the ultimate version of parkouring

i jump and i narrowly grap the pole and start to slide

i grab on to my knife and jump to a brick apartment building

i start to slide fast so i dig my knife very hard into the hard brick.

then i hear a snap, i feel air flowing through my hair

quickly i regain my grip on the pole just seconds from the groud

i just run into a good store i know "army knives, swiss knives, kitchen knives we have all dem Knives" a familer jingle of the store bell as i walk in im greeted by my former friend paul

i ask him for his grandfathers sword, his normal stress free grin is replaced with an angry frown.

"i haven't seen you for 2 years and you ask for my prized possestion!!"

he replies " listen wanna come see me die or not!" i scream with a vocie crack

Quickly his angry frown is replaced with concern and regret

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