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Dan's POV

Oh my God, did I just meet my fucking soulmate in class...? Well, that was UNPREDICTABLE! (a/n: ;))) )
Whatever, at least I know who I'll be growing old with. Wow, she's beautiful... I already love her curly blonde hair but with cool pink highlights at the ends and her cute tooth gap. Awe. I got really lucky didn't I? Might as well be planning our family.  (a/n: TOO SOON DAN, TOO SOON)

I told her a story that I thought would make her happy but my thoughts were interrupted by our teacher walking in class. Wait, what? Was that 30 minutes already? Oh well. I looked around and noticed that there are indeed students around us, I guess I was too busy talking to Lou to acknowledge the people around us. But what can I say, I want to make her happy and enjoy herself around me!

"Class, I am your new teacher for this period. My name is Jack Hemmings but you can call me Mr. Hemmings"  (a/n: hehe see what I did there? The Better Hemmings woop woop)

Mr. Hemmings introduced himself. Oh well, what now? Do we just greet you or what? (a/n: *gasp* YOU DO NOT TREAT THE BETTER HEMMINGS LIKE THAT!) I guess we have to greet you because the whole class, well, except for me, stood up and said good morning. If you can't beat 'em, join 'em. Mr. Hemmings mumbled something about a new student being late but I don't really care about any new students. I already have Louise!

Suddenly, a knock on the door was heard and Mr. Hemmings  opened the door and a brunette shyly peeked in. I noticed that Louise's eyes widened and put her hand up to her mouth and the brunette did the same. Did they have a past or something?

"Hey Lou?"

"Yeah Dan?"

"Who's that?"

"Oh her? Her name's Cat! She's my childhood best friend."

She frowned a little but her lips curved upward into a smile again

"We drifted away when I moved but I guess Cat and I are destined to be best friends for life so here she is!"

I smiled at how fond she looked while talking about Cat. Wow, she really missed Cat didn't she? I guess the power of friendship is real! Cat suddenly ran towards Louise's seat and engulfed Lou in a bear hug and Lou did the same. Ok that was epic, at least I didn't cry, right? Ok maybe I did tear up but whatever! Everyone in the room awe'd at them.

Mr. Hemmings walked to them and laughed.

"I'm guessing you two know each other and had a wonderful friendship?"

Cat and Lou smiled at each other then looked at Mr. Hemmings

"Yeah, we did have quite a wonderful past. Didn't we Lou?"

"Mr. Hemmings, we were childhood best friends but that's pretty obvious."

Mr. Hemmings walked to the front and called Cat.

"Class, it's pretty obvious that she's a new student here but she already has a friend"

Cat smiled at Lou and Lou stuck her tongue out playfully. Awe, their friendship is so cute! I wish I had a friendship like that. I never really had friends but now I found my soulmate!

"Ummm, hi! My name is Catherine Valdes but you can call me Cat for short!"

Cat smiled at the class. Wow, she's very much like Lou! Cheery and screams "HAPPINESS". Well, I guess I'll just thirdwheel on their friendship.


HEY PEOPLE WHO READ MY BOOK!!! Thanks for 13 reads lmao and of course, a big shoutout to WhatILikeAboutHim because she voted for the last three chapters of this book. Lmao go follow her! Read her stories, she has Muke there omfg *fangirls into oblivion* but I still ship Malum. To be honest, ide remember how many ships I have! I ship Kellic now, great. XD NOT THAT I REGRET IT BUT THEY'RE CUTE AF OMG!!! Anyways, sorry for not updating bc I was busy with my powerpoint presentation (ugh) and my exams are coming soon (kill me now) AND I NEED TO STUDY REAL HARD (BC I DON'T WANT TO FAIL, THAT'S HOW IMPORTANT SCHOOL IS TO ME... I'M SCREWED IF I FAIL IT LMAO) yeah and SORRY FOR THE SHORT CHAPTER I'M BUSYYY and thanks for reading my story and thanks for voting! That's all... bye bye frens


UPDATED: January 8, 2017

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