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[Picture is Valoria, picture isn't mine.]

​​​​​​"The problem is... that she's human."

Hotaru grabbed his father's collar and shoved him against the wall. "You fucking bastard! I will murder you!" Satan only smirked.


In the corner of his eye, Hotaru could see (Y/n) and Valoria running away. He growled in anger and threw the older man across the room, bits of the ceiling falling down around them. Satan quickly got up and grinned, "Well, well! Father against son, who knew~?" he laughed, not taking Hotaru seriously.

Hotaru glared at him, summoning his sword as he pointed it at his father. Satan only laughed at his son, slapping his knee as he fell to the ground, as laughter echoed throughout the room. The demon prince raised an eyebrow but continued nonetheless.

He charged forward, ready to pierce through his father's heart, as that is the only way to kill demons. Before Hotaru could swing his blade, Satan had teleported across the room, sitting on his throne. "My boy! What has made you so weak today? You can barely land a hit."

Hotaru flew to his father, readying his sword, Satan dodged, and stood behind the demon prince. The demon king kicked Hotaru, causing his throne to fall over, shattering into pieces. Satan just watched in amusement as a huge boulder fell from the ceiling and crushed Hotaru.

Silence remained throughout the room as Satan waited for his son. He rolled his eyes, "Please don't tell me something like that could kill you, you fucking weak ass boy!"

The boulder raised, and stood Hotaru holding it up with one hand without trouble. The king teleported to the far side of the room, waiting for Hotaru to attack. The demon prince threw the boulder first, as Satan easily dodging it.

"Haha! Wow, nice t-"

He was cut off as Hotaru's sword was next to his face, piercing into the wall behind him. He went silent as he reached up to touch his ear. Blood. He laughed in disbelief, "My, my! you actually made a scratch!" he slowly grew midnight black wings. "It would be a shame if you wouldn't be able to do more.."

Hotaru glared at his father as his own black wings grew. They had a glare off as the whole castle around them collapsed.


Valoria took notice of the castle demolishing. "Miss, we must hurry! A victor will soon be announced." The demon said, taking your hand and pulling you across the flesh grounds. You ran with her, dodging any rocks that came flying towards you.

You stopped and saw Hotaru with big, raven wings flying in the sky as a sword was pierced through his shoulder by his father. Valoria noticed your gaze and tugged on your arm. The fallen angel noticed your fear and stopped for a moment as she hugged you. "Don't worry (Y/n).. I won't let any harm come your way.." She said, looking into your (e/c) orb.

That didn't seem to work, until she noticed where you were looking and followed your gaze as her purple eyes widened. A sword, at full speed was aimed towards you. Acting fast, Valoria pushed you out of the way.


Everything happened so fast.

A tear escaped your eye, swiftly crawling towards Valoria.

The sword was pierced through her heart, as her beautiful, big purple eyes started to fade. You held her hand, saying everything was going to be okay.

She smiled at you, and cupped your cheek as you put your hand over hers. "I love you, my human.." was the last thing she said before she faded into eternal slumber.

Tears flowed rapidly down your face you screamed her name, making all of Hell, hear you.

A/n: Hopefully this chapter made you guys sad?? I know I got sad TuT lmao, anyways! So Valoria was in love with you the whole time, praise goes to whoever figured that out before this chapter. 

[Discontinued] A Demon's Cry | Yandere!Demon x Female!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now