10 - interrogation

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She abruptly sat up from the ground, gasping for air until she felt a sharp pain located on her arm. The pain was deep within, stinging and burning, almost as if the humerus bone was smoldering. She winced at the burning sensation, wanting to let out a cry of pain.

The loud ringing from her ears started to fade, the agony from her arm relaxed, her vision started to clear. That's when the whole situation started to come all to her head.

Glass under the palm of her hands.

Street lights.

Sirens from an ambulance in the distance.

"Oh god! Are you okay? Guys, she's awake."

Adaline turned her attention to a male right in front of her. She had to take a moment to focus her vision.

"Ugh, yes, I'm alright." She attempted to stand but a guy from the public library stopped her.

"Don't stand. The ambulance is almost here." He tried to reassure her.

"I'm okay. I'm sure I can stand."

"I'm afraid you ca-" he continued to speak until a women from behind her cut him off.

"John, she can stand. Help her up."

Adaline spun her head to face the woman but it wasn't just one woman, but about twenty people from the small public library crowded and watching. Some taking pictures, talking to the phone, a few others where looking inside the destroyed movie store.

The man kindly helped her up, little glass pieces falling from her fragile body. Adaline was troubled, it's nothing new to her, that's her persona normally, withdrawn with an uneasy quiet about her. However, this time, it was different. She wandered about aimlessly, lost and confused. At times, she became jittery and anxious, biting her nails.

"Are you sure you're okay?"

"Yes, I am. I'm fine."

Adaline glanced to her left side to notice Lydia and Jackson exiting the movie store. The glass window was shattered to pieces. She carefully strolled up to them, causing the Lydia to quickly back away from her in extreme paranoia.

She removed a lock of her hair from her face to take a better look at them. "Hey, it's just me. You guys okay? Lydia?" She questioned them, concerned

Lydia's eyes were widened in fear as Jackson's arm was just around her waist. He seemed look perfectly fine, no expression of fear whatsoever, just annoyance.

"Yes, I'm fine." He stated in a bored tone.

How is he not terrified? He was in there. He was in with what broke the whole glass window....what did break the glass window?

The curious girl furrowed her eyes at him but then walked away. An abundance of thoughts and questions caused by her curiosity scampered through the pounding of her head.

Investigators were asking an abundance of questions as she sat on the back of the open ambulance, one of the nurses cleaning her cut from her arm that was caused by broken glass. She tried her best not to let out tears of pain. The agony was horrendous.

1| ADALINE ⇹ STILES STILINSKIWhere stories live. Discover now