17 - under the bus

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"Call the cops," Jackson demanded.

"No," Stiles scrunched his face at him in disgust.

He squinted his eyes at him, "Wha-what do you mean, 'No'?"

"I mean no. You wanna hear it in Spanish? Noh.  I don't have my phone with me."

Jackson's eyes trailed to over my legs and gave me a quick nod. "Your little girlfriend does. I bet she even has his number."

Stiles glanced to where Jackson was staring at and had noticed that my phone shape was visible through the back of my jeans.

Jackson must have seen it when we were running...or something.

Stiles clenched his jaw and closed his eyes for a moment, "Look, Derek killed three people, okay? We don't know what he's armed with."

Jackson groaned loudly and took a few steps closer to Stiles. "Your dad is armed with an entire sheriff's department! Adaline, call him!"

"Calm down, jackass," I retorted, feeling the heat rise up to my cheeks.

"You know what?" Lydia shoved her hand inside her purse and pulled out her phone. "I'm calling."

"No. Lydia, would you just hold on a second?" Stiles attempted to grab the phone from her but Jackson shoved him away. As soon as Stiles was about to do the same I placed my hand on his shoulder to calm him down. He noticed and placed his hand on mine, reassuring that he wouldn't do anything.

"Yes, we're at Beacon Hills High School. We're trapped, and we need you to....but...." She furrowed her brows and lifted the phone away from her ear. "She-she hung up on me."

"The police hung up on you?" Allison asked in complete shock.

"She said they got a tip warning them that there are going to be prank calls about a break-in at the high school. She said if I called again that they're gonna trace it and have me arrested!" She began to sob.

"Okay, then call again!" Allison demanded desperately, hoping it would cause the police to come if they traced the phone.

I shook my head at her, "They won't trace a phone. They'll send a car to your house before they send anyone here."

"Wha-what the hell is this?" Allison placed her hands around her head and pulled on her hair. "Why does Derek want to kill us? Why is he killing anyone?!"

All of us stood silent for a moment before the three of them gawked at Scott.

He pointed his finger against his chest, "Why is everyone looking at me?"

"Is he the one that sent her the text?" Lydia questioned Scott.

"No. I mean, I don't know."

"Is he the one that called the police?" Allison stepped in.

"I don't know! Okay?! I don't know!" He shouted at her furiously, startling her. Her completion became pale and had turned away from him.Lydia ran up to comfort her whilst Stiles pulled Scott and I into a little huddle.

1| ADALINE ⇹ STILES STILINSKIWhere stories live. Discover now