Andy and MIX

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"Hmmm. Which one should I wear?" I hold up two outfits.

"Whichever one shows more of your big bangs is fine with me," Andy smirks.


"Nothing! Nothing! I was kidding! Just kidding! You'd look great in both! Your boobs have absolutely nothing to do with it! Nothing at all! Just kidding!"

I grunt. "What is it with men and boobs?"

Andy gives a nervous laugh and scratches his head. "Well uh, see, uh...Hey look! I have something for you!" He reaches into his pocket and pulls out a small box. "Happy Birthday MIX!"

I drop the outfits onto my bed. "F-for me?"

He nods. "Yep!"

I take the box from his hands and slowly open it. Two dangling earrings sparkle inside: silver with blue gemstones. I gasp. "Oh Andy! They're beautiful!"

"They match your eyes. Put them on!"

I carefully poke the earrings through my ear lobes before looking at myself in the mirror. They glint in the light. I can't help but smile. "I absolutely love them! Thank you! Now let me put on an outfit. I guess I'll go with that one since it matches the earrings better." I take the blue dress. "Go outside. No peeking!"

"Ah! Really?! I was hoping to get a little glimpse of-"

"Andy! I love you, but I hate you! Now go dig a hole outside or something while I change! Otherwise, I'm gonna have to go to drastic measures!"

Andy starts towards the door. "Fine! Alright! Geez! I'm going!"

When he finally leaves, I get changed and observe my reflection. The dress is dark blue and ends a few inches above the ankles. It's sleeveless, so I feel a little awkward not being covered completely, but I guess it's better than what Zessica used to wear. I allow my hair to hang instead of keeping it up in my usual ponytail, and I put my glasses in their case. I can still see alright without them. The girl that stands before me looks like someone I've never met. She doesn't look like me, but she is.

"Well you look stunning!" I hear a voice behind me say.

I turn to see Mikono. She smiles at me warmly, and she's holding a little paper bag with tissue paper in it.

"Oh. Hi Mikono. I mean, thank you."

"It's a good look for you," she says cheerfully.

I look down at myself. "You really think so?"

She nods. "Come on. Why don't we head outside? Everyone's waiting for you!"

"Okay! Sure!" We walk through the halls and down towards the courtyard. When we get there, everyone is gathered together. Tables with food and drinks are set up, and a banner that says "Happy Birthday MIX" hangs from two poles someone stuck in the ground. I smile, amazed at how everyone came together to celebrate this day.

"Wow! I can't believe you guys did all this!" I say in awe.

"Go have fun, Birthday Girl!" Mikono hands me the bag she's been holding. "And here's a little present from me and Amata."

"Thank you!" I stick my hand in it, feel around the tissue paper, and pull out a brand new, leather-bound book. I skim through the pages. "I love it! How did you know?!"

"Well, we know you like ancient literature and history, so we found this at the bookstore the other day and thought of you."

"Thank you so much!" I put the book back in the bag and place it next to a small pile of other presents I guess people bought me before joining the crowd.

"Whoa! MIX! I almost didn't recognize you for a second!" Zessica says as she walks up with Amata.

"Yeah! You look beautiful!" Amata chimes in.

Andy comes up behind them. "Isn't she? And those gazangas are just-"



I feel the blood rush to my face. "Don't make me have to slap you!"

"I'M KIDDING! JUST KIDDING! Okay?! It's just a joke!"

Amata sighs. "Andy, you've really gotta stop with the boob stuff."

Andy takes me by the hand. "Hey, do we think we could talk in private for a second?"

I raise an eyebrow. "Why? It better not have anything to do with my boobs because I will seriously put you in your place! Men are such perverts!"

"No! No! It's nothing like that! I just have another little present for ya'. Please? Just come with me!" Andy looks at me like a little lost puppy.

I sigh. "Fine. See you guys later," I say as Andy leads me away.

We find a spot away from everyone else. "So, where's this present that you can't give to me in front of everyone else?"

Andy smirks. "It's right here."

Before I can do anything else, Andy presses his lips right onto mine. I'm so shocked that I shove him off me. "INDECENT!! I KNEW THIS WAS GOING TO BE BAD!!"

"Wait! No! MIX! I figured since the whole war with the Abductors is over, and romance is totally allowed, why not start, you know, uh..."

I shake my head. "God! Men are so stupid!"

Andy hangs his head. "I'm sorry."

"This is the proper way to kiss someone!"

Andy looks at me again. "Huh?"

I grab him and pull him towards me, making sure our lips lock. He wasn't expecting that. We kiss, letting the world around us melt away. My first kiss. I never thought I could love a man after what my dad did. But I do love someone, someone I would never expect to be the one to fill the hole in my heart.

After a few moments, we pull away. "Happy Birthday MIX," Andy says.

Men are stupid. Men are perverts. Men are weird. Men are wonderful. And this man, is the most wonderful of all.


AN: Well, was that cute or not? Didn't expect MIX to do that did ya'? I mean, come on! Who doesn't love these two?! It was kind of hard to write from MIX's point of view for this. I probably made her seem more sweet and mushy than she normally appears. She's a tsundere, but I guess everyone has their secret soft side. Whatever! It's still cute! And Andy is always fun to write about!

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 05, 2018 ⏰

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