Chapter 10

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Natasha P.O.V

"So , you love me?" Steve smile , with a dangerous tone. I nooded , but closed my eyes. I was blushing , don't want to see him. He put his hand in my chin , force me to see him." Would you say it again? You love me?" Steve ask me , as i lost in that blue eyes. I open my mouth , but then i hear somebody press the roombell. I just shocked , move backwards. Steve just giggle , walk to the door. Please don't sharon . I mumble.

I can hear the voice , it wasn't sharon. I didn't know who is it. I walk to steve , and i see who's the people. Its was...IVAN! Damn , that man again , i hate him. Ivan smiles at me , but steve cover me. "Uhh , who are you?" Steve says.
"You don't know me? Poor cap..."
Ivan says , punch his stomach.
Steve fall down . Ivan look at me , smiles.

My eyes are winded , he sting me. I collapsed , feel week. What he will do now?!? I scream on my mind. "Hey again , natalia." Ivans says. I try to stand up , but ended by fall down again. "What do you want?!" I try to talk. Ivan smiles , bring me up with my shirt collars.

"Don't try to attack , or i'll kill your boyfriend." Ivan whisper in my ears. He sting me again , so everything being dark. I cannot see anything.

Steve P.O.V

Who's that man? Is nat know him? I stand up , but i cannot see anyone. He must bring natasha ! He kidnap nat! I must find him . I i run to outside , but no one there. Shit , i lost his track! I angry. i was thinking about natasha , where he brings her? What will he do?!

I take my phone , try to contact to any avengers. I found tony numbers , so i call him.

"Hello , tony are you there?!?"

" yeah its me steve , what happend? Is anything bad happend?"

Thank god he's answer it!

" i need your help! Really its serious!"

" what is it?"

"Natasha! She's..."

"She's pregnant? Wow cap you're awsome ! How can you make her..."

"Tony! Im in serious conditions ! She's on trouble. Someone kidnap her! He stings he , and bring her!"

" shit , i'll tell everybody its emergency. We will meet you there at night!"

" thanks tony , i appreciate it! Please come here s fast u can!"

"Sure , thanks"

I hang up , put my phone down. I try to contact nat , but i couldn't. She doesn't answer it. I just sit in my bed , I was weak. She's gone , she's gone! Tears come streaming down my faces. What will i do? I cant protect her. She's part of me and i lose her. I was tired , so i try to sleep.

* dream mode on*

In my dream , i met nat. I was running to her , but when i see who's behind her , i stopped. It was that man , that fuking man , who's standing behind her. He's have in his hand. He point the gun to nat. Natasha was standing , but shaking.

She's crying , she's hurt. If i walk 1 more step , he could kill her. I cant take that risk , but i need to save her.

" so , you'll not save her?" Ivan says. I dont say anything , just standing still. I can see natasha still crying. I run to him , try to attack him. But before i can reach him , he pull the trigger.

No way! No fucking way! He just killed her. I catch nat's body before its touch the ground. I dont believe! I dont believe what just i see! He killed her? He just do it

* dream mode off*

To be continued...


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