You gotta smile huh?

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Stay tuned for an important authors note at the end please.

Yoosung scolded himself for crying again. But it hurt! And Seven couldn't understand how much his words hurt him.

All he ever wanted to do was to help Seven. He really didn't know how he ended up here. The last few days were all a blur to him. Where did he go wrong? When he accepted to help Seven? When he joined the RFA? When he went to college? Not that it matters. You can't fix past mistakes now...

As his tears didn't seem to stop so he ended up going to the hospital bathroom to try to calm down.

He splashed his face with cold water and glanced in the mirror. His reflection looked just as pathetic as he felt. His hair was terribly messed up and his hair clips were loose, his eyes were puffy and somewhat bloodshot. His shirt was wrinkled in multiple places and his hoodie was just hanging on his shoulders like it was some extra weight.

He honestly couldn't recognize himself. This wasn't him. He was an awkward college student who loved gaming and helping out people in and outside of the RFA and he was always smiling.

Or was he truly this pathetic? Was this really him?

"Um excuse me?" A small voice squeaked beside him as he felt someone tug at the end of his shirt.

He looked down to see a smaller boy around the age of five standing there looking up at him with big blue eyes. He was fairly short and had light brown hair and dark blue eyes.

Yoosung's heart immediately softened upon seeing the kid. "Yes?"

"Um. I noticed you crying. And I wanted to ask if you were okay..." He trailed off looking down on the floor.

"Oh." Yoosung smiled softly. "I will be alright. You don't have to worry."

"But I always worry. Like my parents always worry about me. My momma told me to smile everyday. Because you don't know which day is your last." He muttered the words sadly.

Yoosung suddenly remembered that he was still in the hospital and wondered what was the wrong with the kid.

"It's probably something otherwise you wouldn't be crying." The boy pointed out making Yoosung let out a sigh as he glanced away.

"I just got in a fight... with someone I really care about but... he doesn't want my help." He let out a shaky breath. "But why do you even care? You wouldn't understand."

"Well you are acting like that person right now." The boy noted playing with his sleeves.

Yoosung's train of thought stopped when he heard that statement. It was true. The kid was trying to help him but he just straight out refused it like Seven refused his help.

"And that person must have a reason for rejecting your help. And and please don't be sad! If you truly care about that person then he will recognize it one day." He said making Yoosung ponder until he was interrupted by another sentence.

" please be happy!" The kid stuttered trying to make an argument while also losing confidence in himself.

"Thank you." Yoosung cracked a small smile and whispered to the kid who took a particular interest in his feet. "I'll remember that."

"R-r-really?" The kid looked up, his eyes shining. Then he gave him an angelic smile. "I helped someone!"

Yoosung softly laughed as he hugged the child close who laughed brightly.

"Let's go back outside shall we?" Yoosung said thinking that he should return the kid to his parents.

"Okay." The kid nodded but didn't really let go of Yoosung.

It took him a while but Yoosung eventually realized that he should pick him up.

He awkwardly picked the kid up, his lack of experience showing.

Luckily the kid helped him by shifting in his arm.

Yoosung was quite surprised. He felt quite comfortable with the child in his arms. It felt kind of right for him and the presence of a child strangely calmed him down. He wondered. Was this how parents felt?

His heart suddenly felt heavy with the thought that there was a reason this child was in the hospital which he didn't wish to know at the moment.

He carried him outside and looked around to see if he could locate his parents.

He ended up going to the main desk to ask for help. "Excuse me I found this kid but I don't know where his parents are."

"Yuki!" The woman exclaimed making the kid turn around and wave at her. "The hospital staff was looking for you don't disappear like that!"

"Yes ma'am." The boy nodded politely as he slowly untangled himself from Yoosung's arms and dropped to the floor.

"Where are his parents?" Yoosung asked watching as Yuki ran to a hospital staff member.

"Both of his parents passed away from the same illness he suffers from. He is kind of the hospital's adopt now and everyone adores him." The lady explain making Yoosung gaze after the kid sadly.

"Oh. Well it's time for me to go then. It was nice meeting you." Yoosung gave the woman a quick farewell before walking out of the hospital.

He raised his hand in front of his eyes because of the shining sun and looked before him.

The kid's words burned in the back of his mind.

"You gotta smile, huh?"

Hello my readers!

I hope you enjoyed another Chapter of Nightmares. This was kind of a fluffy chapter but I really wanted to have this scene where Yoosung takes advice from someone young.

I'm still debating wherever I should make Yuki a recurring character or not...

Anyway my reason for leaving this long Author's note is because the fanfiction awards are coming up.

And I really hope for this story to get entered.

If not even for the win, I just want to get a shot at trying.

I really don't usually ask for things like this but I really have hope for this fanfiction.

If you want to nominate it then look up the book "The Fanfiction awards 2017" Where you can nominate me if you'd like.


If you do nominate then do it under the Best of the Beginners section because I think I have the most chance in that categorey.

I feel like I had been on Wattpad for forever but it still hasn't been a year XD

So please nominate. If not then I am still thankful for you for reading this

~ Sharlot Scarlet Fox

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