Chapter 5 : Happily Ever After?

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This is it, the end of Cinderella's Man! and Special Chapter are left so stay tuned! Lots of love - Author Nora~


Time passed by, today is the day of the Annual Appreciation Night. I was now at the backstage, trying not to shake.

Brave as I ought to be, I tremble as I watch the theatre is full of families, friends, teachers and VIP guests, the eyes are uncountable.

I know that once Namjoon finish his rapping performance, it will be our turn.

" Hey Hobi , have you seen Tae somewhere? "

I asked, trying to calm my nerve while he was running around already wrinkling his costume, ecstatic about the play.

" Yes, and no...I won't tell you, he said he don't want to get distracted. "

" How come he didn't personally tell me but you? "

" Because you're not worth telling for! "

He laughed mockingly at me then ran away to save his life before I catch him and put him inside my mom's favorite blender.

Aish this kid, I was being serious...

It seemed to soon when Namjoon ended his performance and now the MC took over the mic.

" Okay everyone! This is our cues, remember to follow the script and I don't want any mistakes! Now go out there and do your best. "

All the actors and actresses including me, nodded and I positioned myself as the first person to enter.

That is when I saw Taehyung on the other side of the backstage, straightening his suit.

I smiled sheepishly. He sure does look like Prince Charming... wait, he's my Prince Charming gosh Y/n you're so stupid!

When his eyes met mine, he winked.

Mouthing a " You're mesmerizing as ever. "

I grinned shyly and he's too. Ever since we started hanging out, his behavior change from being manly and romantic to shy and very very very romantic. I found it very cute.

" And now! Ladies and gentleman! We present you...A Cinderella play performed by the school's Drama Club! "

I let out a deep breath. Okay Y/n, time to act professional.

A big round of applause echoed the big theatre when I entered the stage as soon as the storyteller began his part.

" Once upon a time... "


Now, I was sitting on a chair while Taehyung kneeled down in front of me, holding a fake glass slipper for the if the ' if the shoe fits ' scene.

" May I? "

" Yes, Your Highness. "

I smiled, raising my foot so he can easily slip in the glass slipper. But instead...

" Don't you find it weird? How can a glass slipper physically exist without shattering? "

" I don't understand what you're trying to say. Your Highness. "

I've made an impromptu line, already feeling uncomfortable on my seat. The audience already looking puzzled.

" It is this thing right that decides the fate of Cinderella? "

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