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"Welcome to LA my love!" My heart jumped as my Aunt Debbie pulled up in her Mercedes. The top was down and her curly hair was flying in the wind. She was the absolute coolest. I basically threw myself in the car, giving her a big hug. She pushed her sunglasses down her nose to get a better look at me.

"You brought three suitcases for three weeks?" She asked with a laugh.

I reddened, embarrassed. "Mom said to pack a lot." I defended.

"You are definitely my niece, that's for sure." She popped the trunk. "Load 'em up and let's get this show on the road. Traffic is going to be a nightmare, so prepare yourself."

She was right, traffic was a nightmare. But I loved it. We drove all the way to her place in Hollywood.

"This is me! A little two-bedroom place, but it's all mine. It's kind of expensive, but I don't mind. We're right around the corner from tourist central though, so beware. Never ever take anything that people claim is free... it's never free. The first few days we can roam around together, but the days when I'm working you can go grab the metro. The redline is about a ten-minute walk down that way. And if you get really stuck I'll call a car for you." She stopped in front of a tiny room. "This is your room while you're here. I hope you like it, pumpkin."

"This is great Aunt Debbie." I assured her. "Really. Thanks for letting me come and stay with you."

"No worries." She said. "Alright, do you want to unpack and take a nap, or do you want to see something cool?"
"Let's see something cool!" I pestered.

"Get some gym shoes on and let's go."


It turned out that Aunt Debbie lived down the street from the most incredible view I'd ever seen. She said that it was called Runyon Canyon. We sat on an isolated boulder and just surveyed the city in awe.

"You'll see celebrities around here all of the time. I totally saw Justin Bieber on my last run." Aunt Debbie conspired.

"Really?!" I exclaimed. "No way!"

"I'm telling you..." She trailed off. "You'll see them all eventually if you live out here long enough."

"You're just so cool!" I exclaimed. I clutched her arm. "Teach me to be you!" She patted my head.

"You're cool too. I wish I was good at cooking like you and my sister. I'm hopeless."

"So, I'll give you cooking lessons and you give me makeovers and teach me how to be cool."

"I'm telling you, you're cool in your own way kiddo. But I will give you a makeover if you want, no problem."

"Deal?" I asked.

"Pinkie promise." She said seriously. After a pause she said, "...so."

"So what?"

"How is my sister?"

"Mom?" I asked her, surprised. "Well, to be honest, she's been a little mean lately. I think she's sad about Dad again."

"She's being mean to you?" Aunt Debbie said angrily. "Mean how?"

I shrugged. "I dunno." She waited, but I couldn't find the words to explain to her how hurt my mom was and how hurtful some of the things she'd said to me were.

"Okay." She said. "Okay... tell me about that boyfriend of yours, Adam! Are you two still good?"

"Yes!" I immediately launched into a story at me, Adam and Zayn that had Aunt Debbie in tears.

"Well I'm glad you two are good. Have you two..." She nudged me and wiggled her eyebrows.

"Aunt D!" I exclaimed, covering my ears. "Of course not!" She took my hands down from my ears.

"Good. I'm just checking. If you have any questions or need birth control or advice or anything like that... I'm here." I glared at her. "I'm serious." She nodded. "Always use a condom."

"Aunt Debbie!"

"Birth control doesn't protect from STDs and the pull-out method doesn't always work. I'm too young and pretty to become a great-aunt to someone." She lectured. "Alright I'm done."


A/N: Second favorite fandom? 

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