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As the weeks passed by, I slowly fell into a comfortable routine at school. I still got ignored by my siblings, but the whispering and staring from everyone else died down a bit, which I was grateful for.

The twins would drive me to school in the morning, and if i was late they would leave with out me. They also refused to be seen with me, making me get out on the curb a block from school.

I would arrive at school no sooner then 6:45, and head directly to class. That way I was never late, but I didn't have to worry about the other students approaching me. I worked hard in class to catch up on my work from starting school late, after that days work was completed. I even got to sit next to Tau in third period, and after class we would walk to our lunch tree together.

All though we spent so much time talking and getting to know each other, I never spoke of what happened to my family, or why I moved to Gainesville, and he never asked. I swear some times I could almost see the question in his eyes, but thankfully he never voiced it.

"Hey, you alright?" Tau asked, snapping me out of my daydream.

"Yeah, fine, just thinking. What were you saying?"

"I was asking if you wanted to go to the library again today? I know we usually don't go on Wednesdays, but I have a paper due on Friday, and I could use the head start."

"Alright," Just the thought of spending more time with Tau had me smiling. Then the bell rang, ending lunch, making my face fall.

"Awwwe" I whined, "it's over already?"

Chuckling he stood up holding his hand out for me, which I gladly took.

"Come on, I'll walk you to class," he offered, with a breathtaking smile, as he pulled me to my feet.

In last period, I noticed an awful lot of students whispering and glancing at me again. Curious. I thought they were passed this, why the sudden interest again? I've been going to school here for a few weeks, so I thought I was surely old news by now.

All this attention after so much time had me understandably nervous. So when the bell rang ending school, I darted from class, making a B-line for Tau's car.

When I got to the parking lot I sighed in relief, only to realize my mistake. I was the first one here, the parking lot was some what empty, and Tau was parked close to the side of the building, partially hidden by some bushes.

Just as i made it to Tau's car, a pair of strong hands grabbed me from behind, putting a hand over my mouth. Panic surged through me as I looked around at the growing group of students, there had to be at least fifteen of them, and at the head was Jake and Jenny.

I screamed a muffled cry into my captors hand, as they all pulled at my hoodie until it was ripped from my body. Then some one yanked my hair roughly out of the way, and held it there making my neck painfully crane to the left. Then ripped the bandage off of my neck, exposing my scar. Apparently this wasn't a good enough view for the sick bastards, as another ripped the collar of my shirt, so they could see the full extent of my mauling scar.

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