#13 Dream

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Chapter 13 : Dream

"Kachiro," Reima called out.

"Hm?" Kachiro replied, looking at her direction.

"Play a match with me."



"Wait, what?!" Kachiro blurted out.

"Don't make me talk, take your bat," Reima said as he took his own and went to his position.

==== The Trio's Side ====

"What is this about?" Katsuo asked.

"I don't know," Kachiro answered.

"Hahahaha! Of course you don't know!"

"Do you know anything, Horio-kun?" Katsuo asked.

"Atarimaeda! (Of course!)"

"What happened, then?" Kachiro asked.

"Reima-kun has a high fever. He went to the nurse in the middle of class!"

"But then why would he want to play?" Katsuo asked.

"I don't know! Ask him!" Horio replied sheepishly.

==== Match ====

Reima and Kachiro played for a few minutes, but the injured warrior soon got bored.

"I change my mind. All three of you versus me." she said, with a rather unemotional face because she didn't want to go through the trouble of moving her muscles.

"Isn't that a bit too much, Reima-kun?!" Katsuo asked, worriedly.

"Don't worry. It's practice," Reima replied, rubbing her mouth with the back of her arm.


"I'll show you what I'm made off! With my 2 years of tennis experience!" Horio bragged, but got ignored by everybody.

The match was going 'okay'. The freshman trio's style was sloppy, but Reima managed to hit every single ball, that made it over the net that is.

On the other courts there were many more matches going on.  Oishi and Kikumaru were battling against each other in one, and Kawamura and Arai were going against in another, while Momo-senpai was going against Kaido off-court, if you know what I mean.

Soon, Reima got bored of her match against the trio too, not because they were sloppy and weak but because she wasn't in the mood for it.

She told the trio to stop, and went to the changing room after receiving concerned glances from the said group. 

Once there, she put down her racket and sat against a wall. Looking over to the clock, a frown sat on her face. 

"An hour more till club ends..." she thought out loud.

Sighing, she hugged her knees. 'I don't feel like doing anything...' she mumbled, as her mind went to wander.

==== Yume ====

"Onay-chan!" The little brunette child hung close to her older sister. 

"Mom! Dad! Stop!" The older child cried. 

"It's her fault!" a woman cried, pointing her finger at the little scared toddler. 

"You know as well as me that it's not!" she continued to argue.

"Don't you dare talk back to us! You're not even our child!" the middle aged man beside the woman shouted and glared, gripping tightly on his baseball bat.

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