Chapter 1 - The Rush

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His hand was pulling my hair and I felt his teeth sink into my neck. I called out "DADDY!" I was feeling some type of way.

"LUNAAA" I hear a call from downstairs. Why does my mum have to ruin all the perfect moments like the dream of daddy. Of Adym Alyxander Yorba. I rolled out of bed and changed from my Whinnie the Pooh PJ's to some black skinny jeans and a 5SOS shirt.

My hand traced the floral wallpaper as I ran down the stairs, late for school. "BYE MUUUM" I called.

A giant urge to not get on the school bus came over me. I didn't want to go today, I just wanted to finish the dream. I'm gonna have to see him in school today and all that I'll be able to think about was how his fingers traced my back and how I could feel his warm breath on my neck.

My thought was interrupted by my friends barging into me screaming "LUNAAAA OMGGG"
"Hey guys" I replied
They knew I had a giant crush on Ricco so I made them tell me whenever something fishy was going on with him. I can't always be there to help him in Leaster High Academy.

"Your soon-to-be-boyfriend is thinking about someone else, your gonna have to swoop in for the kill any day now or lose him"
My heart skipped a beat, "who?" I asked. Probably Jessica. I hated her.
"It's someone from a different High, and he said he was expanding his circle as he doesn't feel like there are people in Leaster that actually like him. I wanted to push him off a cliff at that moment and scream SHE SITS NEXT TO YOU IN SCIENCE"
I laughed, she always knew how to brighten the mood.
"Thanks for telling me Denise, how's you and Nick?" I ask
"Psshhhttt, none existent, he's a douchebag"
"Hmmm okay" I said smirking.

I saw the bright yellow bus approaching. I sat next to a really nice girl called Piper, she had medium blond hair, green eyes and she was pretty skinny. She was reading a book about the Cold War, obviously studying (as usual)

Urgh, School.

The flooded hallways, the dark atmosphere, so loud... I usually wait outside until most of the people inside have disappeared. But today was different. Obviously today just HAD to be different. I hear the lock on my locker and throw my biology books in. I felt a presence I knew I had to look at. I turned my head and there he was, my Ricco was there. I could feel him again. Mind over matter.

We made eye contact, my eyes blessed by those deep pools of chocolate. I kinda smiled at him and gave him a nod. I fell back, dazed as to what I just did. I'm such a weird child.


He's talking to me but all I could focus on were his lips moving. I felt like saying "What does that tongue do daddy" but I can't. I can't. Because I can't even ask him for a pen in class.
"Hello? Luna?!"
"Omg yes hi, I was just kinda daydreaming a little" I blushed "what were you saying?"
"What's the biology homework? I need someone to help me"
"I'm shit at it too, we could always study at your place if you want?"
"Meet me in Henrys at 5 and don't forget your notebook, I'll give you my number later"
"Okay byeeee! It's a date"

Even the back of his head is flawless. I can't believe it. I have a study date with Adym Alyxander Yorba. We can 'study' all night. About 'biology'.


"DADDYYY" I scream out. This time his head was down and I felt wet down there. I grab his curly hair forcing him to come up. We made out whilst something else was intertwined into me. He and I were one. He started moaning out of pleasure and I did the same. I gave him a hickey on his Pineapple tattoo. He gave me one on my chest. We were both sweating and I felt like screaming his name. He could read my mind as he whispered "Go ahead, nobody can hear you anyways". I don't think I've ever screamed that loudly before. His name forever ringing in the car. The windows steamed up.

I snap out of the very vivid daydream session I was having. But I really did feel everything.

He had left his number in my locker, on a piece of paper. I dialled the number into my phone and his voice made me feel some type of way.
"What's Gucci?" I say
"Haha, hey Luna" he replies
"I was just calling to see you gave me the right number"
"Well nah"
"Is this the krusty krab" I ask
"No this is Patrik" he replies
We both burst into laughter
"Okay, just a reminder to remember your biology text book alright?"
"Yeah okay daddy" I say
I start blushing immediately and hang up the phone. I wished so hard this wouldn't come up in conversation later tonight.

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