Chapter 2

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As Newt gave me the tour around the Glade, I couldn't but study him. He was a lot taller than and he was the average size of a person and he looked rather handsome. (Y/N), get yourself together girl. Wait (Y/N)?
"I remember my name" I say abruptly
"What?" Newt asks as we stop by a tree
"I remember my name, it's (Y/N)"
"Nice and may I say, it's a cool name"
"Thanks, yours is better"
"Mine, nah. It's weird"
"No it's not, anyway, are you gonna introduce me to the other people?"
"Yeah follow me, I'll introduce you to the main guys" Newt says and we go over to where the guys were all talking and laughing about something.
"Alright guys, meet (Y/N). (y/N) this is Alby, Frypan, Winston, Gally and Minho and Ben" Newt introduced.
"Hi guys" I say and do a small wave.
"Nice to meet you (Y/N), I'm pretty sure you'll like it here and that you'll fit in" Alby says
"Yeah hopefully I will" I shrug "so, who put us here?"
"We don't know the answer to that but, we should find out hopefully" Frypan says
"And what's with the walls"
"Um, their for protection" Winston said
"From what?"
"You ask a lot of questions" Gally said as he crossed his arms
"Yeah well didn't you guys when you came here, I mean what's there not to be curious about?"
"Let's just say, it's best to not ask questions, guys don't we have some work to get back to?" Minho asked
"Yeah we do, alright boys, get those butts back into gear and Newt, you can be in charge of the greenie" Alby said as the group walked off
"Glader slang, another word for newbie and don't worry about them, there's stuff that your not ready to know yet. Come on, I'll show you where you'll be staying" Newt said and I followed.

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