Chapter 3

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I awoke early the next morning and saw that the walls were open. How the hell is that even logic and then I saw I think it was Newt and Minho run through them to where ever they were going. Curiosity filled my mind and I got up out of my hammock and went to the wall they went through. When I reached there, it looked like a hallway that turned off in two directions. Could it be a maze? I then started walking closer when I felt someone pull me back. It was Gally.
"Gally, what the hell was that for?" I question yanking my arm out of his grasp.
"Do not go in there. It's dangerous, unless you have a death wish of course"
"Well what the hell is behind the moving walls which isn't even science?"
"Gally what's going on, (Y/N) your up early" Alby said coming over
"She tried to go into the maze Alby"
"Someone just tell me what's going on!" I yell
"Just calm down (Y/N)" Gally said
"The maze, is what the runners run through to find a way out. Today it's Newt and Minho, tomorrow, Ben and either of those two will go with him and the walls, don't ask" Alby explained
"Why can't anyone go out there?" I ask
"Because if your not fast enough, your stuck out there for the night and you have to map it while you run it" Gally said
"Come on, this is enough talk for one day, let's go see if Frypan has dished out breakfast" Alby said as he grabbed my arm and we went to the kitchen.

All day I couldn't keep my mind away from the thought of what it's like in the maze? What's out there?
"(Y/N), are you just gonna keep staring at those shucking walls or are you going to work?" Ben asked me annoyed
"Yeah sorry" I say and start using my machete to chop the stump of a tree out of the ground. "You've been out there Ben, in the maze I mean, what's it like out there?"
"You do ask a lot of questions don't you" Ben laughed "Alby will probably kill me but, there's these creatures called Grievers, you'll hear them screech at night if you listen carefully and that's it"
"Do they attack you?"
"Shit yeah, anyone that's seen a Griever has never lived to tell about it"
"Ok, I won't be messing with them"

Newt's POV:
Minho and I were running through the maze and were on our way back when he asked "what do you think of the greenie?"
"What, (Y/N)? Yeah she's cool. She's curious that's all"
"Yeah I'll say" Minho laughed and we reached the glade and I saw (Y/N) laughing with Winston and stared at her. She was beautiful really. Brown hair with blond tips. Average size and height of a person of her age. She looked about 14. She had brown eyes that glistened in the sunlight and she a black vest over a red shirt and black shorts with white sneakers.
"Someone's got a crush" Minho teased nudging me in the side.
"I do not"
"Yes you do shuck face, you keep staring at her"
"That don't mean anything Minho"
"And your blushing" Minho laughed and I punched his arm.
"Oi, what's the number one rule in the glade?" Alby asks as he walks over.
"Never harm another glader" I say "except for Minho" I mumble at the end with a smirk.
"Alright, Newt drop your act now"
"He's just embarrassed about the fact that he likes the greenie" Minho teased again and I shoved him.
"Newt, that's enough, go get yourself cleaned up or you'll be in the slammer"
"Yes Alby" I moan and walk off slightly slouched.
I hated Minho for that moment. I start putting my machete and the maps away and then head back to my sleeping quarters and put my white over shirt back on and change my shoes. I then hear a voice.
"I didn't realise you were back" it was (Y/N)
"Yeah just got back five minutes ago" I sigh
"Hey what's up?" She asks sitting beside me
"It's nothing, just Minho being a slinthead and Alby telling me off for punching him in the arm and shoving him hard"
"That guy is serious on the rules"
"Yeah I know. Anyway, what was your first day at work like?"
"Wasn't that bad, got to chill with Ben who's a good guy"
"Yeah,he's a bit of a joker as well" I say and we stare at each other for a moment. I wished it wouldn't end and then she looked away.
"We should probably head to dinner"
"Yeah, good idea" she then leaves the room first.
I then sigh slightly as realisation hits me. Oh shuck it, I like (Y/N).

(Y/N)'s POV:
I leave Newt alone for a minute and wait for him outside and I lean against a tree. I'm pretty sure we just had a moment but why? I can't like him and he can't like me. Could we? I wasn't going to jump to conclusions right there and then, I'd wait a bit. Newt then came outside. I then yell out to him "you coming?" And he runs over.
"I'm surprised you still have energy left after today" I say
"Yeah, same. We did a lot of running" Newt said
"Did you see any Grievers?" I ask and Newt stops me in our tracks.
"Who told you about those?"
"Um... Ben"
"I asked what was in there"
"What ever"

After dinner, I go and sit by a tree and look at the now closed doors. I really want to go out there. I want to be a runner.
"You a monkey now or something?" Newt asks from below
"Hello to you to. Come up here Newt, you can see the whole glade" I say and then he starts to climb up. He then sits beside me.
"You were right about that view part"
We were then quiet for a bit.
"I want to be a runner, like you" I say
"You what?"
"I want to be a runner"
"No one wants to be a runner, they get chosen by Minho"
"Well I'll prove that I can be one"
"He out don't choose you if you could anyway"
"And whys that"
"Because your..."
"Because I'm a girl, gee thanks Newt. Thanks for the support" I say and I jump off the tree in annoyance.
"(y/N) wait" He calls and jumps down behind me but I keep walking
"Don't want to hear it Newt"
"Come on, I didn't mean it"
"Yeah sure you didn't" I then leave him standing there like an idiot.

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