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There she sat, staring out, eyes searching. Her attention grabs onto the littlest of movements, but where she sat those movements where sporadic, the empty abyss lacking life and reason. Most of the trees lie fallen over from the destruction of the creatures, a few are brave and stand tall, yet that's where it ends. The trees no longer growing and the leaves that fell are long gone and won't come back.
Life ends and we move on, each one of us searching and hoping for a reason to this long journey of time.

Closing her eyes, she realizes, with the last bit of hope leaving her, life has no purpose. The world was lost because of man's destruction and need to be on top, that there is no real reason to walking this life.

Each foot step brings more troubles and inquisition, being that life is no longer life, yet it is a never ending tribulation. Till finally we end it or our body does for us.

Opening her eyes again, searching the wide horizon and still seeing nothing, she lets go and sinks down off the edge of the cliff. Tumbling through the air, watching her ending and new begining get closer and closer. Close enough she hits it.

Head turned at and awkward angle, eyes staring out and the dead forest, hair splayed out perfectly, and slowly the ground turns red and she goes blue. A putrid smell arises to the air, her challenging time on the earth is no more. For she is gone.

She has been gone for a long time now. Now she is free and no longer needs a purpose for life. She is we and we are free.

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