Chapter Two

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Hello lovelies! Sorry for the delay with this chapter, I had to scrap the whole first half and start over, I'm much more pleased with how it's written now :3 Also, this chapter is double the last one! Over 5,000 words! ^^ So, without further adieu, here's chapter two! :3 Enjoy! ;3

I wake to the melody of a choir of songbirds, accompanied by the gentle rustling of leaves and the slight hum of insects.

With a yawn I rub the sleep from my eyes and sit up on the futon. My vision no longer blurred from my drowsiness, I take a look around the room in the new bright morning light shining through the paper wall.

The room is simple enough, it seems the only thing occupying the space is the futon I'm sitting on and a neatly folded pile of clothing that's appeared on the floor to my right at some point while I slept.

Leaning over I pull the clothes onto my lap, along with the small collection of items resting on top of the stack.

It's all my clothing I'd been wearing when I first woke up here, freshly laundered and folded neatly. I'm quite sure I have Thoru to thank for that, I'll have to thank her later.

On top of my scouting legion hoodie lay my phone, a tube of shimmery lipgloss, headphones, and a twenty dollar bill and a few singles looking slightly wrinkled from being in my pockets.

Not much good that'll do me here...

Folding up the money I put it back into my jeans pocket before picking up my phone.

Carefully, as though I think it may break, I slide my thumb over the image of the TARDIS on my lock screen, bringing me to the home page of the phone.

Tapping on the green icon with image of a white phone handset over it I scroll through my contact list. I stop with my finger hovering over 'Home', hesitating before finally tapping call.

Instead of ringing I get a serious of strange beeps before it disconnects and brings me back to my contact list.

There are no bars at the top left of my screen, no signal.

Though I doubt my call would have gone through either way...

What are they doing right now I wonder? Are they worried? Do they even know I'm gone?

They'd known I hadn't been feeling myself lately, did they think that maybe I'd run away?

I feel my eyes well up with tears.

What if they thought I was dead...?

"Knock knock~!" A singsong voice calls from outside the door, this is accompanied by two soft knocks on the wall beside the door before the door slides open to reveal Shigure, standing with his eyes closed and a cheery grin on his face. "Are you decent? Thoru asked me to come check up on you,"

After a moment of silence he opens his eyes, smile dropping when he sees the tears running down my chin.

"Brielle? What's wrong?" He asks in his rarely used 'serious voice', stepping closer and stooping down at my side.

At the question my breath hitches in a sob and I raise a hand to cover my mouth.

I'm startled when I feel a hand rest lightly on my shoulder and flinch slightly, though the hand remains.

"I- I'm scared..." I murmur, my voice sounding rough and strange to my ears. "I don't know what happened to me,"

I don't even know how I got here... Sure, this is the kind of thing most girls with fandoms dream about, finding themselves in the world of their favorite show or book, meeting their favorite characters.

Clarity~ A Kyo Sohma Love Story (Fruits Basket)Where stories live. Discover now