Best friends.

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Kakashi, Suiren, and Kokuyōseki were running through the snowy forest, when Suiren fell. "Suiren!" Kakashi called, catching her. He lifted up his forehead protector to reveal his sharingan and activated it, searching to see what was wrong with Suiren. Just as he had feared, she was under genjutsu. Who did this? Kakashi thought, searching the area. Gently, he put Suiren down.

Suiren found herself back in her home. I thought I was with Kakashi and Kokuyōseki... Then she heard her mother's scream. What!? She turned around to see the masked man slowly killing her parents. Suiren screamed and fell to the ground. "No! Please no! Not again!" She screamed. She tried to get the man off of her parents, and knocked him on the ground. "Stay away from my family!" She yelled, stabbing the man with a kunai. A kunai then came flying and hit Suiren's back. "Gaack!" She turned around to see the man standing behind her. T-that's impossible... Suiren thought, pulling out the kunai in her back. Another kunai flew through the air and Suiren swerved to the right, avoiding it. Then, she quickly formed seals and attacked the man. Water style, twin mirrors! Four shark bomb! The man disappeared and then reappeared above Suiren. Water style, water wall! The man landed on top of the water wall and jumped off quickly. Then, Suiren felt something warm touch her back, and within moments, she was out of the genjutsu.

Kakashi checked to see if Suiren was okay. Her breathing was steady and she was no longer under genjutsu. Kokuyōseki was lifting up Suiren's shirt to check if she had any wounds that needed attention. Kakashi turned around, giving the girls some time to themselves and continued to search. Then, in the far off distance, he saw someone coming out of the ground. Kakashi then checked the area to make sure they were alone and ran off to the person who had just come out of the ground. "Ah, Kakashi! Where are you going?" Suiren asked weakly. Kakashi stopped and turned to face her. "I dropped something. Stay here with Kokuyōseki." He said, turning around again. How dare you hurt my girlfriend...! He thought. He ran off towards the man, his blood boiling. When he got close enough to the man, he landed on the ground with a soft thump. The man looked in Kakashi's direction and gave a sly smile. "Oh goody. Another toy to play with." He said. Kakashi stood his ground and glared at the man. Then, grabbing a kunai, he charged at the man and swung his arm to hit him. The man dodged and landed a blow to Kakashi's arm. Kakashi winced at the pain of shuriken stabbing into his arm. When did he...? Kakashi didn't have time to think as the man leaped and threw several shuriken towards him. Kakashi blocked the attack, sending the shuriken flying into the trees. The man disappeared and reappeared behind Kakashi, stabbing him in the back, close to his backbone. Kakashi yelled and collapsed to the ground, clutching the wound.

Back in the opposite direction, Kokuyōseki and Suiren sat on a thick and steady tree branch. Suiren was shivering from the cold and her experience in the genjutsu world. Kokuyōseki noticed and reached into her bag. She took out her blanket and wrapped it around Suiren. "Are you ok? That must have been scary, being in genjutsu." Kokuyōseki said. Suiren nodded. "Yeah... I'm fine now though." Suiren said. There was silence between the girls for a few minutes. Kokuyōseki cleared her throat. "I wonder what's taking Kakashi so long?" She said. "Yeah. He said he dropped something, but I don't think that's it." Suiren said. "I hope he's ok. I'm really worried right now." Kokuyōseki nodded. "I'm worried too. He'll come back though. I'm sure of it." She said. Just then, leaves rustled and a man clad all in black jumped out at the girls. "Move!" Suiren yelled, pulling out a kunai and dodging the attack.

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