Chapter Three

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Graham's manor had come into view by the time Moira had realized that there was no route for escape.

"Ye canna do this," Moira had screamed one final time as he finally set her down on her two feet. She looked up to realize that they were inside of the manor, the great foyer stretching from the dining area to the stairwell that led to places unknown.

"Ah come now, Lass," he said mockingly, "Donna ye ken that ye can trust me."

"Nay," she spat at him, "For yer 'naethin' more than a demanding pig."

He winked at her, proving his cocky demeanor was nothing more than a part of his even more arrogant personality, "I like to think of myself as a brilliant steed who has come to yer rescue."

"Rescue from what? She sneered.

He only shrugged at her question, "I donna ken yet, but I am sure we will figure it out together."

She glared darkly at him, "How can ye rescue me from something ye donna even know of?"

"Because," He laughed loudly, his booming voice echoing in the foyer, "I can do whatever I want for I am the laird of these lands."

Moira groaned, putting a hand to her forehead and shaking her head from side to side, "I canna believe this is actually happening."

He laughed again, "Then donna believe it, but sometime very soon ye will realize that 'tis actually happening."

She internally twitched when he locked the door behind him and then proceeded to up the stairs. He only turned around briefly before asking Moira, "Are ye going to follow or should I carry ye again?"

She stomped her foot in anger but reluctantly followed him. They went up the flight of stairs that seemed to be never ending before finally coming upon a floor where dark wood boards made up the floor and stone walls were brighter in color. It was not as frightening as the first floor which was practically all gray stone. Even the furniture was beautiful in its own way, matching the dark floors and being intricately carved.

He walked down the hallway and past many rooms. As they passed each room, the floor became more adorned with jewels and silver. When he had finally stopped at the end of the hallway in front of two large wooden doors, only then did Moira gulp.

He opened the doors and she let out a breath she had not realized she was holding. Instead of being some torture chamber like she had thought, it was just an office. He walked into it and sat down in the largest of the chairs. He motioned for her to take a seat across from him at the desk.

As soon as she had however, he began to laugh again.

"What is so funny?" She was appalled by his outburst.

"Yer face," he exclaimed, "Surely ye ken that I am not as terrible as ye thought?"

She shrugged, not wanting to admit that he was right.

"Are ye tired?"

This time she nodded at his question, "I am."

"Good," he said calmer this time, "Ye can retire in that room there."

He pointed to a room that was adjacent to the desk. She did not smile at him but stood and went to it. As she opened the door she realized that there were no windows large enough to escape out of, and there were no other doors leading to anywhere other than the office.

She frowned but knew not to question him. Instead, she slammed the door shut behind her to show her anger of his pick of the room.

She could hear Graham laughing for the hundredth time, and heard very clearly as he spoke up, "And if ye try to escape, I will only come after ye. And that is only if ye get outside which I highly doubt ye will for no one canna escape without my knowing."

"My father will be coming for me." She yelled back, "And when he does, he willna be so pleased by yer actions."

"Then so be it," Graham huffed a final time, only to chuckled lowly once more under his breath.


Quick question. Should I make Moira's dialect/language more proper since she is from the lowlands? Would that make more sense?


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 16, 2020 ⏰

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