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RedFox House

"Gajeel, we couldn't find juvia...and where is Gray?" Silver asked.

"I don't know..."

"Well I have to tell him something before I leave."

"What is it?" Gajeel asked.

"I have to leave him and let him continue on his journey to become a successful knight." Silver said.

"Hold up, so you're just gonna leave your son like that?!" Lyon asked.

"Yes...I'm deeply sorry but Mika, his mother needs me for the meantime...I'm off now." Silver walked out of the RedFox house.


"So this is the young man that messed up our auction, huh?"

"Yes sir."

"Who the hell are you?" Gray asked.

"Oh I'm sorry for not introducing myself...Names Bora." He grinned.

"Alright, now tell me where Juvia is."

"Oh, is she your girlfriend?" He asked.


"Right here." He showed Gray his phone and it showed juvia in a room getting beat up. Gray's eyes widen. He was full of rage.

"My my, are you that mad?" Bora laughed.

"Who the f-ck do you think you are?" Gray asked.

"A rich person." He answered.

"Good, then say good bye to being rich." Gray's rage Frew and grew making the room really cold from 70° to -2°.

"Sh-t what the f-ck...His magic is so intense!" Bora said shivering.

"Ice make excallibur." Gray said looking down then attacked bora. With one slice he was knocked off. Ice began to from around the whole building. He walked out the room. He was searching for Juvia around the building. His back was crouching, black marks began to spread around his body, his eyes were full out glowing purple, and everywhere he goes and touch ice grew, from ceiling to floor, side to side.

Gray then found Juvia in a big room with 10 men. "What are you doing here kid?!" One of them shouted.

"Let her go." Gray demanded.

"Why should we?!" The another man shouted.

Gray glared at one of them, then ice pierced through his body blood shedded. He then looked at the another man who was terrified. Gray then ran pass him. And then the man passed out.

Gray then fought the rest, he killed all of them. "Is someone there?" Juvia was shivering from the coldness. Gray turned around. "I know I can't see you or how you look right now but if you're the one to cause the coldness then please stop it..." juvia said.

"J-j-juvia!" Gray ran to her and hugged her. All the spots disappeared, his eyes were normal, ice was melting, & the temperature was normal. Gray then started to pass out. And slept on Juvia. "It must've take a lot of magic to do all that..." juvia smiled. She then use her water magic to make a water bubble so that she can carry gray in it.
"I hope we're going to the right place, please lead us." Then a clone was summond and she lead juvia to the Redfox.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 06, 2017 ⏰

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