Hey Guys this is kenzie's big bro Jake idk if any of you knew this but recently kenzie's family has been going threw alot of rough spots like kenzie finding out that on both sides of her family her grandpas have really bad stages of cancer on her dads side her grandpa has stage 3 lung cancer and on her moms side her step grandpa has stage 4 prostate cancer and idk if i mixed up any of this information you can ask kenzie but just recently a kid kenzie helped look out for and practically helped raise like her lil bro he died of stage 3 bone cancer and he was only 13 yrs old and she went to his funeral on friday so yeah heres what the lil bro looks like and yes it is on his funeral thing mombobber plus she has a shirt that has his name on it and his football jersery number everyone has it that went to the funeral and they barried the kid in his football jersery
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Guys they played these songs at his funeral and kenzie has been listening to them over and over again-jake
When kenzie lived close to her liil bros house she helped widen his taste in music but he was the country rebelious boy who loved any type of music cuz kenzie helped raise him right lol-jake