Chapter 2 - The New Kid

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❤  No silent readers allowed
         Kaelie was late to English for the seventh time in two weeks.

      Mrs. Boug didn't even have to say anything, just raising her drawn on eyebrows.

     Kaelie sighed. "Um," she began to pause, most likely thinking of an excuse.  "My mom was going to drive me to school because my convertible broke down." She said.

      Mrs Boug stared at Kaelie.

    "Then she ran over my new cat named," she said, not even looking sad. "Sparkles, my new cat." She quickly said.

     Mrs Boug shook her head. "Cats are my weakness, darling. Come, come! Take a tissue!" She said, having sympathy for the lying snake.

      Kaelie strutted past me, flipping her long blonde hair letting me smell her overpriced perfume.

      "Oh, thank you Mrs Boug!" She fake cried. She sniffed into her tissue and took her usual seat, behind me.

     I waited for her to insult me, but nothing came. I'm not going to encourage her, so I tuned back into the lesson on poetry.

     As soon as English was over, I stepped out into the raging and crazy hallway.

      I walk down the sea of craziness to try to get to my locker, but was interrupted by two guys breaking into a fight right in front of me.

    I rolled my eyes and maneuvered the two fighters.

      As soon as I finally arrived at my locker, I noticed the hallway getting quieter.

         As I turned around to see this strange occurrence, I saw the hallway was parting. I tried to peek my head out to see why but was shoved back into the locker. Three flashed into my head as the guy who shoved me ran along to see what was going on.

         I didn't want to deal with that guy again, so I stood on my tip toes. I still couldn't see anything, so I extended my neck in order to try and see.

        The only thing in the pathway was a head with dark brown hair. A boy? Is that what this was all about? It was most likely a fight.

         I tried to see more but lost my balance and stumbled on the guy who shoved me.


       The guy turned around and growled. He growled. "Why are you always in my way?" He asked, so loud that a small group of people turned to look at us.

       I felt my cheeks burning as unwanted attention came my way. "Y-you were the one who shoved m-"

       "I don't care! I don't recall asking you to explain yourself." He replied as more people turned to watch.

          Three popped up in my head. This dude couldn't do too much damage so I geared up for battle.

         "Then don't shove people into lockers! What did you expect?" I practically yelled over the crowd.

      Some of the guys upfront 'oo-ed', which slightly reassured me that I wasn't losing this. The guy I was arguing with took a step closer to aggressively frown at me.

         "I expected the person in my way not to be a total bitch about it!" He snappily responded.

        I ignored the loud noises from the onlookers as I tried to stop myself from pouncing on the clown. "Oh, I'm the bitch? If you recall, I was minding my own business before you shoved me right into the locker!"

        "You're a slow-ass business minder, then. You were in my way. You were clumsy. I saw a solution and I took it."

       "Wanna know what else is a slow-ass? Your mother for forgetting to teach you about human decency." I say without thinking.

     Once the words floated out of my mouth, our little audience started losing it. "Damn!" One guy in the front yelled.

       Adrenaline was pumping through my veins as I realized this could get me suspended.

     "What did you just say about my mama?" The guy suddenly stepped closer, causing me to slightly stumble backwards.

      "If you're going to be rude and then argue about it, I said what I said." I crossed my arms as I took a defensive stance.

     "Do you wanna go? I'm going to whoop your sorry ass until you take that back." He growled.

      From the corner of my eye, I saw an unfamiliar guy push his way to the front of the crowd. I assumed it was so he could get front row seats to this spectacle.

      A chill ran up my spine as I realized I was going to get in my first high school fight. This arrogant dude needed to take a seat and learn some damn manners!

       "Oh, really? I don't believe you." I taunted.

       As the guy started to jump around and ball his fists, I felt an arm clamp around my wrist. A strong force pulled me away right before his fist neared my face.

      I whipped my head around to spot who grabbed me. An unfamiliar set of eyes met mine which sent the strangest feeling through me. Despite the extremely weird vibe I got from this mysterious mediator, I yelled at him anyways.

       "Let me go! I can take him on!" I yell out as the crowd booed the lack of action. Some dumb kids in the back started chanting 'fight!'

      "No, you can't. Let's get out of here." He said, his voice low and barely audible with all the commotion.

      With that, he began to drag me away. The crowd parted for us, but I pulled against his grip. "Who the hell do you think you are?" I ask. This sudden wave of confidence was shocking me, as I never spoke this much.

      "You'll thank me later." He said as we continued to rush away from the crowd.

      He eventually loosened his grip and let me walk on my own. As soon as he turned to look at me, a sharp pain ran through my head. I dropped my head to the floor and held my hand up to it.

       "You good?" He asked, confused.

        I look back up to him, just for the pain to return. Something was very wrong.

      "Yeah." I manage.

       Two digits formed in my mind. Two? This never happens!

        Ten. He's a flippin' ten!
     As soon as ten appeared, I tried not to freak out. Whoever this guy in front of me was, he was setting my danger scale off. He was more dangerous than an armed soldier who could snap my neck according to my ability. 

      "I-I have to go." I stutter, suddenly terrified of whoever this guy was. He could be a serial killer! A terrorist! A school shooter!

     I turned on the ball of my foot and immediately walked away. No one's ever been a ten before! Could I of handled that situation a little better? Yes. Did I want to? No, as I want to live to see tomorrow.

     "Wait! Where are you going?" I heard him call after me.










A/N: Second chapter! Woo hoo! I'm super excited about this book! Even though it's super cliché and stuff I hope you have enjoyed the chapter! Chapter 3 coming soon


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