You See Me (U.C.L.A)

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Im 5'6im 21(senior in college ) somewhat a hipster idk im pretty cool im into peace rallies and crap like that :)I have blackish brown hair that stops below my ribs , today i have it pulled up into a bun and i have on a black sweater with spikes on the shoulder , a black tank top and I have on black skinny jeans , cheetah print vans and a couple of bracelets.

My first day back at the beautiul UCLA . Im in the library chillig as usual when I dont have any work."THUMP!! " is what i hear as a piece of paper hits the back of my head. I turn around and see a handsome nerdy looking guy and he waves at me and says "Sorry bout that " he smirks .I smile and say "mhhhm that and the other 3 times but its cool" I go back to read my book and I hear the guy talking to his friend so i keep reading . I realize theirs someone standing over me so I look up and its him. He says " I hope you dont think im a creep or anything"I say sarcastically "Oh no why would I?"He chuckles and says ' Well im Donald but just call me Gambino' I say 'Cool im Leah you can call me Le Le or whatever i dont care'. He smiles and says'okay well it was nice metting you me and my cousin have to go' I smile 'okay see you around'.


Man she was madd cute though I should have got her number thoo -_-


hmm he was pretty handsome but he seemed nervous tho :)

_ In the lunch area (230pm)_

I walk towards Jamba Juice and order a smoothie and I walk towards Chick - fil - a and see Gambino so i decide to walk over and I say 'Hey Bino' He replies smiling'Hey Leah' His group of friends just stand there and he finally introduced us he says " Oh um Leah this is August -points to a cute dude- , My cousin Trevor-points to a average but good looking guy-, and this is Chance -points to another cute dude- I say 'cool well it was nice meeting all of you -smiles- see you guys around' I walk to subway and orders a Medium sized fruit salad and a 6inch sandwich . I go at a empty table that is by the Tv and eat and watch tv and then go throw my trash away and I finish drinking my large smoothie from Jamba Juice and I start to text on my phone and etc. I go back to my dorm that I got so i would be alone.

_ NextDay_

Classes dont start until a week from now so i get up around 12:30 and head to the shower and do my hygiene and I let take my hair out of it's bun and put it into a side braid and put on a dark green v-neck , gray skinny jeans , a peace sign belt, I put on some light brown sandals and you can see my French tips on my toes and I grab my purse and put on a gold chain and I lock my dorm door and head down the stairs to the quad and I go to the little peace campus festival their having today.

To my surprise Gambino is here I don't walk over towards him I just walk around and start to look at some of the merchandise they have outside at the festival and someone walks up behind me and is all on me and covers my eyes . I say 'hmm who could it be'

Chance says 'it's Gambino' and laughs Gambino says 'ugh chance really' I giggle and try to figure why Gambino is like all on me but he has put his hands down . He starts laughing at my face expressions toward him and moves from all on me and says 'hey Leah' and smiles I say ' hey bino' chance says ' me and the guys are gonna be over there -points to the other side of the festival - I say 'well gambino it's just us so we can finally talk ' He smiles and -gets back behind me and wraps his arms around my waist- yeah we can and he pulls me closer to him He starts to smile down at me because he 5'8I start to blush and I say 'what bino what??' He smiles at me and stares at my boobs

I say ' Bino keep your head up' and I laugh 'your just ugh' He pulls me all the way back on his __ and he says' mhhm I'm so childish right ?I say 'exactly childishness 'and I smile at him . Some girl with short brown hair n she has on a tank top on and some shorts she says 'Donald is that you ?'

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