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"Your hand fits in mine, like it's made just for me. But bear this in mind, it was meant to be. And I'm joining the dots with the freckles on your cheeks. And it all makes sense to me." My phone rings the beautiful acoustic melodies of One Direction that I've had as my alarm since my freshman year in high school. I've always been a morning person and I appreciate the calm wake-up call that accompanies this song. So, why is it that I'm considering smashing my phone against the wall?

Hitting the snooze button on my phone, I notice all of my notifications. This was pretty typical, but I couldn't help but wonder if Blake was already telling everyone about how pathetic I was. I roll onto my side and pull my puffy, white comforter over my head. The morning sun streaming through my window is already giving me a headache and I wish those damn birds would just shut up. I swear, the world is mocking me.

My mind can't stop picturing the smug look on Blake's face when he tore my heart to pieces yesterday. It's been hours and I have yet to shake this horrible feeling. I hear my mom's heels clacking up our marble staircase and making their way to my room. I peek out of the covers as she slowly cracks open the door. Seeing that I wasn't asleep anymore, she steps in and greets me with her usual perky demeanor.

"Good morning sweetie," she flashed her perfect, white teeth at me. Her long, brown hair was pulled into a loose, but sophisticated ponytail and she wore a black pencil skirt with a white blouse. She was probably about to head out for work. Both of my parents were lawyers and worked brutal hours, but thankfully we've still managed to stay really close.

"Honey, you're usually up by now. Are you feeling okay?" Worry was present in her deep, brown eyes. She raised her palm to my forehead and I considered faking sick before remembering that we leave for our trip tomorrow.

"Mom, I'm fine. I just didn't sleep the best last night," I half-smiled hoping it was convincing enough. And technically, it wasn't a total lie. I couldn't stop tossing and turning until about two hours before my alarm went off. She hesitated before nodding and heading towards my door.

"Just make sure you get some breakfast before you head out. Your father decided to let the staff off a day early so they could have a vacation of their own. That means you're on your own for breakfast. And don't be late for school!"

The smallest of grins made its way onto my face after hearing her quirky voice. As cheesy as it sounds, my mom was my role model. She was absolutely stunning and could always make me feel better, just by being with me. I guess it was just one of those mom-type superpowers.

I mumbled a quick response before dragging myself out of my bed and into my bathroom. I brushed my teeth and splashed some water on my face before taking a second to look at myself. My face had almost no color in it, except for the prominent dark circles that rimmed my eyes. I looked like something straight out of a horror movie. I slapped on some concealer, mascara, and chapstick and ran my fingers through my natural waves. I looked at the final result...only somewhat presentable. A big improvement, though.

I made my way back into my room and stepped inside my walk-in closet. Mia always comments on the fact that it's almost the size of her room, yet somehow I managed to completely fill it with all of the season's lastests. I've never actually cared much about fashion so I just let my mom pick out whatever she wants me to wear. Usually, it's not too difficult to throw together an outfit, but of course today I was having issues.

I finally decided on a black pleated skirt with a navy blue pullover. I slipped on some frilly black calf socks and stepped into my blue ombre canvas shoes. I decided to add my favorite Michael Kors watch for some bling. Comfort meets chic. Not that it really mattered what I wore to school today anyway. Either way, today was going to be a steep, downhill slope.

I grabbed my backpack and headed downstairs to our kitchen. I checked the clock and sent Mia a quick text saying that I didn't need a ride today. Hopefully, she hasn't left yet. At least if I drove myself I could leave school on my own terms, especially if I am too pathetic to make it through the entire day.

I slip a granola bar into my backpack as I see my phone light up with a reply from Mia.

M: Sure thing :)

I breathe a sigh of relief before grabbing my keys and heading to the garage. I unlock my black 2010 Cadillac CTS and turn on my Twenty One Pilots CD before backing out. Mia had really gotten me into the band, and their talent had surprised me. The car was my grandpa's and I've always been really attached to it. He died fighting leukemia and the car was passed onto my parents. My parents knew how much my grandfather meant to me and gave me the car. For me, it beats any other model out there.

"Lean with it, rock with it. When are we gonna stop with it? Lyrics that mean nothing, we were gifted with thought. Is it time to move our feet, to an introspective beat. It ain't the speakers that bump hearts, it's our hearts that make the beat."

I sing along as the music pours out of my speakers. For a moment, I lose all track of my thoughts. Here I am, only focusing on is this moment in time. I couldn't imagine a more freeing feeling. The song came to an end, the music beginning to fade, just like the temporary grin that had made its way to my face. My high school came into view and I turned into the parking lot, bracing myself for the day ahead.

I waited a couple of minutes before getting out of my car, giving myself enough time before the bell would ring. Straight to my locker, then straight to class, I recited in my mind over and over. I kept my head down to avoid any kind of interaction with anyone.

But, of course, the universe didn't see that as a fit plan and I crashed into someone and fell backwards, knocking the breath out of me. Slowly, I picked myself up and rubbed my tailbone. That's definitely going to leave a bruise. I made my way back into reality and began to help gather the things that the person had dropped.

"I'm so so-" I stopped mid-sentence when I had looked up and into the soulless eyes of none other than Blake Smith. You. Have. Got. To. Be. Freaking. Kidding. Me...

"You just can't help yourself, can you?" Blake had his signature smirk plastered on his face as his eyes raked over my body. I wanted to move, but it was as if I was frozen in time. He leaned in and I could feel his breath on the side of my face, "Too bad things didn't go quite as planned last night. There are plenty of things I would've loved doing to you."

That was it. I have officially had it!

"Listen here, Blake," I snarled, "For some insane reason, I thought you were a good guy. God knows I was way off. I don't know what your problem is but you can forget about me being your little whore. Clearly, you have some major issues and it took me way too long to see that."

I started to walk away but then my mind wandered to my 'come to Jesus meeting' this morning in the car. That's how I want to live! In the moment, without caring what anyone thinks. And you know what? I don't want to just be average. In one swift movement I started to walk back up to him.

"Oh and one more thing," I began to add. "I'm way too hot for you anyway, so you can kiss my fabulous ass." With that, I kneed him in the groin and walked away for good. I took one last look over my shoulder to see him holding his crotch in pain and a crowd of people that had just viewed the entire thing. I think I could get used to this bad ass feeling...


Hey lovelies! I hope you enjoyed this chapter. I'm still figuring out how I want this story to go but definitely let me know what you think. Please vote and comment! Thank you for your time and I hope you have a wonderful day!! :) (Blake is pictured above.) xoxo,


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 16, 2017 ⏰

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